Educational Courses available to Inmates within UK prisons

The request was partially successful.

Dear Ministry of Justice,

I understand that different UK prisons offer different educational courses. Please can you forward me a complete list of courses that are available to UK inmates?

"Insidetime" was my first port of call to try and obtain this information; however they only have a smattering of information.

Thank you for your time in advance.

Yours faithfully,


Casey, Allen [NOMS],

1 Attachment

Dear Lorraine,

Please find attached the acknowledgement of your recent request for

Yours sincerely,

Allen Casey, Casework and Briefing Team
Directorate of Commissioning and Commercial,
3rd Floor, Turquoise Zone
Post point 3.11 Clive House, 70 Petty France, London, SW1H 9EX

tel: 0300 047 5704
VPN: 7150 0475704

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<<FOI77380 Lorraine X - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.doc>>

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Dear Casey, Allen [NOMS],

Good evening
Thank you for your response of acknowledgement 
After  looking back at my request, I dont feel I made my request as clear as I should have. 

As well as what I have already requested, I should have pointed out that, I wanted the information for each prison individualy. As I am under the impression that UK prisons offer different ourses. 

Yours sincerely,


Casey, Allen [NOMS],

2 Attachments

Dear Lorraine,

Please find attached the reply to your recent request for information.

Yours sincerely

Allen Casey, Casework and Briefing Team
Directorate of Commissioning and Commercial,
3rd Floor, Turquoise Zone
Post point 3.11 Clive House, 70 Petty France, London, SW1H 9EX

tel: 0300 047 5704
VPN: 7150 0475704

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<<12 0069 FOI77380 Lorraine - Reply - Trigger.doc>> <<12 0069
Interventions - Acred & Unacred ETE.xls>>

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Dear Casey, Allen [NOMS],

Thank you for information you sent (spreadsheet)

I took in to consideration the disclaimers within the letter also sent. However I was under the understanding that Blantyre House (HMP) for example offered a catering course, but this was not within the list of courses? This was one of the reasons of me requesting this information, please can you obtain this information? As individual HMP's will not give me this information via phone / letter. As always thank you for your time in advance.

Yours sincerely,
