Educational Concerns

The request was partially successful.

Dear Wolverhampton City Council,

A) Can you please categorise how those known to the team dealing with elective home education became known? E.g. School, Doctor, self-referral, concerns about the educational provision reported etc.

i) Does the local authority seek to satisfy itself that the educational provision the parent(s) are providing is suitable to the child's age, aptitude, ability and any SEN as soon as they become aware that parents are electively home educating, regardless of how they become known to the local authority?

ii) How many instances have there been in the years (from January 1st to December 31st) 2015, 2016, 2017 and to the date of this FOI where the person dealing with elective home education has or has had concerns that a 'suitable' education is not being provided?

B) I would also appreciate it if this information could be broken down into categories:

1) whether they feel that no education is taking place?
2) whether they feel that the philosophy of education is inadequate - for example in the case of autonomous or child led learning, that the particular child is not appearing to be learning 'enough'?
3) whether there are concerns because the family have not implemented a structured approach?
4) or whether the fact that the national Curriculum is not being followed is causing concern?
5) a qualified third party is not involved in the child’s education?
6) An educational report has not been provided by a third party such as; a teacher etc.

C) I would like to know of these children, how many of these concerns were proven?

i) Of the children in the above 4 categories, please indicate if further steps have or are being taken - for example, referred to CME or issued with a School Attendance Order. Please break it down into each year asked for.

ii) Please indicate how many of these went to court in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

iii) Please also indicate if any Education Supervision Orders are currently in court for this population?

Finally, please provide all recorded documentation relating to elective home education including policies, procedures (2013 - present) and recorded communications relating to elective home education (2016 - present), including any e-mail attachments. This does not include communications between the Elective Home Education team and electively home educating parents.

Yours faithfully,

J Carter

FOI, Wolverhampton City Council

Dear J Carter,

I am writing in regards to the Freedom of Information request we received on 27 February 2018.

Your request will be dealt with as quickly as possible, and a final response should be sent to you within 20 working days of receipt.

If you wish to enquire about the progress of your request, then please do not hesitate to contact us, quoting the reference number, in the heading above.

Yours sincerely,

Catherine Allin
Information Governance Assistant
Tel. Office: 01902 554498
E-mail: [email address]
Secure Email:[email address]
City Of Wolverhampton Council

show quoted sections

FOI, Wolverhampton City Council

10 Attachments

Dear J Carter


Thank you for your request for information about ‘elective home
education’.  Your request was received on 27^th February 2018 and I am
dealing with it under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


In response to your request, please see attached our response.


If you are not happy with how we handled your request you can ask for an
internal review.  Internal review requests should be submitted, in
writing, detailing your concerns, within two months of the date of receipt
of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to:


Information Governance Team

City of Wolverhampton Council

Civic Centre

St Peter’s Square




E-mail: [1][Wolverhampton City Council request email]


Under section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, you also have the
right to complain to the Information Commissioner.  However, the
Information Commissioner is unlikely to consider a complaint from you
unless you have first attempted to resolve the matter through our internal
review procedure. The Information Commissioner's details are:


The Information Commissioner

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





0303 123 1113




Yours sincerely



Malkit Sahota

Information Governance Officer

Tel. Office: 01902 554042


[3]E-mail: [email address]

City of Wolverhampton Council


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