Education Establishments
Dear Office for Standards in Education,
We would like a list of all establishments (both open and
closed)that ofsted has on it's database for the following regions
All Gor's in England
All in wales
these will include education settings in the following catergories
• Schools
o Independent
o Nursery
o Primary
o Pupil referral unit
o Secondary
o Service children's education
o Sixth form school
o Special schools
o Local authority (for local authority school improvement
arrangements reports)
o Other schools
• Further education and skills
o Further education college with residential provision
o General further education and tertiary college
o Independent specialist college
o Sixth form college
• Children and families services
o Boarding school
o Children's home
o Further education college with residential care
o Residential family centre
o Residential special school
• Early years and childcare
o Childcare on non-domestic premises
o Children's centre
o Other early years and childcare
Can we please have this in an excel format with the following
Education Name (school Lane)
Phone number,
region (Gor)
local authority
LAestab (number)
establishment number
type of establishment,
phase of education.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Beedles
Dear Mr Beedles,
Please find attached our acknowledgement to your request for information.
If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Yours Sincerely,
Matthew Smith
Information Delivery Co-Ordinator
Information Management Team
Direct Tel. 03000131568
Ofsted | Freshford House | Redcliffe Way | Bristol | BS1 6NL
Ofsted National Business Unit: 0300 123 1231
Ofsted on Twitter at
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Dear Mr Beedles,
Please find attached our response to your request for information. Please
note that due to the size of the information being disclosed we are
sending the information to you as part of 3 emails, the first containing
schools data, the second early years data and the third social care and
further education data.
Yours sincerely
Alastair O’Neill
Information Delivery Officer
Information Management Team
Ofsted | Freshford House | Redcliffe Way | Bristol | BS1 6NL
Direct Tel: 0300 013 1287
Ofsted National Business Unit: 0300 123 1231
Ofsted on Twitter at [2]
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Please find attached schools data disclosed as part of your request.
Your sincerely,
Alastair O’Neill
Information Delivery Officer
Information Management Team
Ofsted | Freshford House | Redcliffe Way | Bristol | BS1 6NL
Direct Tel: 0300 013 1287
Ofsted National Business Unit: 0300 123 1231
Ofsted on Twitter at [2]
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Please find attached data relating to social care provisions and further
education provisions disclosed as part of your request.
Yours sincerely,
Alastair O’Neill
Information Delivery Officer
Information Management Team
Ofsted | Freshford House | Redcliffe Way | Bristol | BS1 6NL
Direct Tel: 0300 013 1287
Ofsted National Business Unit: 0300 123 1231
Ofsted on Twitter at [2]
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Please find attached early years data disclosed as part of your request.
Yours sincerely,
Alastair O’Neill
Information Delivery Officer
Information Management Team
Ofsted | Freshford House | Redcliffe Way | Bristol | BS1 6NL
Direct Tel: 0300 013 1287
Ofsted National Business Unit: 0300 123 1231
Ofsted on Twitter at [2]
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Dear Alastair O'Neill,
there seems to be an issue with the EY data checking some of our data they are showing on the ofsted website as open but are neither on the on two spreadsheets submitted)
can you look into this as a matter of urgency
Yours sincerely,
Mark Beedles
I am now out of the office until 26 August 2014 and will not be checking
emails. I will respond to your email when I return; however, if your query
is urgent please send it to [Ofsted request email]
Alternatively please call our National Busiuness Unit on 0300 123 1231
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Dear Mr Beedles,
Thank you for your follow up enquiry in regards to the EY data that has been provided. Are you able to provide me with some examples of the settings you have identified as not being on the list provided so that I am able to look into the issue further?
Yours sincerely,
Alastair O’Neill
Information Delivery Officer
Information Management Team
Ofsted | Freshford House | Redcliffe Way | Bristol | BS1 6NL
Direct Tel: 0300 013 1287
Ofsted National Business Unit: 0300 123 1231
Ofsted on Twitter at
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