Education, Children's and Adults FOI
Dear Reading Borough Council,
I would be grateful if you could please provide the following information:
1. The software suppliers your Local Authority uses for:
• Education management, including but not limited to Admissions, Early Years, Home to School Transport, Free School Meals, Children in Employment, Children in Entertainment, Children’s Missing Education, SEND, NEET, Youth Offending, Children’s Centre Management
• Children’s social care case management
• Children’s social care finance
• Adults social care case management
• Adults social care finance
2. The amount paid to these suppliers annually for licencing, support and maintenance and cloud hosting (if applicable)
3. The contract term, renewal dates and optional extension periods – if your contract is an annual rolling renewal then please state this
4. The notice period you are required to give for each
5. The contract manager responsible for market engagement when the contracts end
Yours faithfully,
Patrick West
Thank you for your e-mail/request.
We will log your request into our system and you will receive an
acknowledgement mail with a reference number for your request. Setting out
the response time and date.
For future reference on the Reading Borough Council Website we have a
publication log where you can search responses to previous FOI's that may
provide you the information that you require and allow you access to log
any future requests should you prefer. Freedom
of Information Request - Reading MyAccount
If your experiencing issues accessing the system through our website,
please contact us by this e-mail address and we will endeavour to assist
If you are requesting an update regarding a request you have sent in
previously, we will reply to your e-mail shortly.
Kind regards
Customer Relations Team
Legal & Democratic Services | Information Governance and Compliance
Reading Borough Council
Civic Offices
Bridge Street
0118 937 937 2905
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Reference: FOI-632600648
Date of request: 22/07/2024
Title of request: Software suppliers for Education, Children's and Adults
Dear Patrick West,
Please accept this e-mail as acknowledgement that your recent Freedom of
Information request has been received by Reading Borough Council. You
should expect to receive a response within 20 working days from the date
your request was received.
Please note, if your request is received on a weekend or bank holiday your
request will be registered as being received on the next working day.
Kind regards,
FOI Team
Reference: FOI-632600648
Date of request: 22/07/2024
Title of request: Software suppliers for Education, Children's and Adults
Information request:
Dear Reading Borough Council,
I would be grateful if you could please provide the following information:
1. The software suppliers your Local Authority uses for:
• Education management, including but not limited to
Admissions, Early Years, Home to School Transport, Free School Meals,
Children in Employment, Children in Entertainment, Children’s Missing
Education, SEND, NEET, Youth Offending, Children’s Centre Management
• Children’s social care case management
• Children’s social care finance
• Adults social care case management
• Adults social care finance
2. The amount paid to these suppliers annually for licencing,
support and maintenance and cloud hosting (if applicable)
3. The contract term, renewal dates and optional extension
periods – if your contract is an annual rolling renewal then please state
4. The notice period you are required to give for each
5. The contract manager responsible for market engagement when
the contracts end
Yours faithfully,
Patrick West
Dear Patrick West,
Thank you for your recent request received by the Council on 22nd of July
You have requested the following information under the provisions of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000:
1. The software suppliers your Local Authority uses for:
• Education management, including but not limited to
Admissions, Early Years, Home to School Transport, Free School Meals,
Children in Employment, Children in Entertainment, Children’s Missing
Education, SEND, NEET, Youth Offending, Children’s Centre Management
• Children’s social care case management
• Children’s social care finance
• Adults social care case management
• Adults social care finance
2. The amount paid to these suppliers annually for licencing,
support and maintenance and cloud hosting (if applicable)
3. The contract term, renewal dates and optional extension
periods – if your contract is an annual rolling renewal then please state
4. The notice period you are required to give for each
5. The contract manager responsible for market engagement when
the contracts end
Our response is as follows:
1. Education Management Software: Synergy
Childrens Social Care Case Management: Mosaic
Childrens Social Care Finance: Mosaic
Adults Social Care Case Management: Mosaic
Adults social care finance: Mosaic
2. Synergy Cost: £106k p/a
Mosaic Cost: £339k p/a
3. Synergy Term: 20/05/22 - 20/05/25, no further extension
Mosaic Term: 27/07/24 - 26/07/27, with one possible extension to July 2028
4. Synergy Notice Period: 90 working days
Mosaic Notice Period: 90 working days
5. The Council don't provide contact details below that of the relevant
Assistant Director.
AD for Digital, Technology and Change: Martin Chalmers, Chief Digital
Information Officer - [email address]
On the Reading Borough Council Website there is a publication scheme where
you can [1]search previous Freedom of Information requests that have been
responded to, to locate an answer to a future FOI request.
If you are unhappy with this response to your request for information
under the Freedom of Information Act then you may ask for an internal
review. Please make a request in writing to the Information Governance
Team at [2][email address]. If you request such a review and are not
content with its outcome, then you have a right to apply directly to the
Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can
be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Kind regards,
FOI Team
Visible links
2. mailto:[email%20address]
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