Economics applicants admission statistics

The request was successful.

Dear Hertford College, Oxford,

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I kindly
request some raw data from you regarding university applications.

1)The average number of A*s at GCSE for those made offers for
economics and management in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
2) The number of of applicants made offers for economics and
management in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
3) The mean and range of TSA section 1 overall scores of applicants
made offers to economics and management in 2012 2013 and
2014.(range being highest and lowest scores rather than their
Please provide the required data for all three requests, however
if the staff time needed to do this surpasses the maximum you would
be willing to allocate, please answer as many of the requests as

Yours faithfully,

David Bolarinwa

Matthew Hiscock, Hertford College, Oxford

Dear David
Thank you very much for your FOI request to which we will respond once we have compiled as much of the relevant data as we have available (testing is organised centrally by the university and it may not now be possible for us to access TSA scores from previous years).
Best wishes

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Matthew Hiscock, Hertford College, Oxford

Dear David
Moments after sending my previous e-mail, I learnt that the central FOI team for the University will respond on behalf of all the colleges you have approached. I hope this is satisfactory.
Best wishes

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Matthew Hiscock, Hertford College, Oxford

Dear David
I am writing to respond on behalf of Hertford College to the first two
parts of your FOI request. As you are aware, the third part will be (or
has already been) handled by the team at the central admissions office.
For 2012–13 we made 9 offers for E & M. There is a gap in our paperwork
for one off-holder (whose UCAS form is missing), but the remaining eight
had an average of 8.25 A*s at GCSE.
For 2013–14 we 8 offers for E & M. There is a gap in our paperwork for one
off-holder (whose UCAS form is missing), and a second offer-holder had not
taken GCSEs, but the remaining six had an average of 9.8 A*s at GCSE.
For 2014–15 we made 9 offers for E & M. Three of our offer-holders had not
taken GCSEs, but the remaining six had an average of 7 A*s at GCSE.
The average across the three years – which may be more helpful – is 8.35
A*s at GCSE (for those who took GCSEs and for whom we have records).
Best wishes

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