Eastern Cheshire CCG: Cash-strapped GP Surgeries - greater need for elderly care

Charlotte Peters Rock made this Freedom of Information request to NHS England This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was partially successful.

Charlotte Peters Rock

Dear NHS England,

In respect of GP Surgeries:
1. How does NHS England expect to support struggling, underfunded GP surgeries in the coming months?

2. Should GP Surgeries be left short of funding and expertise because of lack of adequate funding, how will NHS England support the paying public, whose services will be lost?

3. What contingency plans does NHS England have, should there be a complete breakdown in adequate health diagnostic and care services, within our local Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group area, and further afield where ECCCG patients and GPs currently look for support.

4. Is NHS England fully aware of the special status of 'elderly need' within ECCCG area, which I believe contains, pro-rata, more elderly people than any other CCG area in England, and collapsing services?
Yours faithfully,

Charlotte Peters Rock

FOI, England (NHS ENGLAND), NHS England

Dear Ms Peters Rock,


Thank you for your communication dated 19 May 2017.


NHS England has assessed your communication as a request under the Freedom
of Information (FOI) Act 2000. As such, please be assured that your
request is being dealt with under the terms of the FOI Act and will be
answered within twenty working days.


For further information regarding the FOI Act, please refer to the
Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website. For further information
regarding NHS England and the information it publishes please visit our
website [1]here.


If you have any queries about this request or wish to contact us again,
please email [2][NHS England request email] and the message will be
forwarded appropriately. Please remember to quote the above reference
number in any future communications.


Please do not reply to this email. This message has been sent from a
central mailbox. To communicate with NHS England regarding Freedom of
Information (FOI) requests, enquiries or complaints we ask these are sent
directly to NHS England’s customer contact centre. This is to ensure all
communications are progressed correctly. Their postal address, telephone
number and email details are as follows:- PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT;
0300 3 11 22 33, [3][NHS England request email].


Yours sincerely,


Freedom of Information

Corporate Communications Team

Transformation and Corporate Operations Directorate


NHS England

PO Box 16738


B97 9PT


Tel: 0300 311 22 33

Email: [4][NHS England request email]


‘High quality care for all, now and for future generations’




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Visible links
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2. mailto:[NHS England request email]
3. mailto:[NHS England request email]
4. mailto:[NHS England request email]

FOI, England (NHS ENGLAND), NHS England

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Peters Rock,


Re:      Freedom of Information request (Our Ref: FOI-053520)


Thank you for your email dated 19 May 2017 which read:

“Eastern Cheshire CCG: Cash-strapped GP Surgeries - greater need for
elderly care

In respect of GP Surgeries:

1. How does NHS England expect to support struggling, underfunded GP
surgeries in the coming months?


2. Should GP Surgeries be left short of funding and expertise because of
lack of adequate funding, how will NHS England support the paying public,
whose services will be lost?


3. What contingency plans does NHS England have, should there be a
complete breakdown in adequate health diagnostic and care services, within
our local Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group area, and further
afield where ECCCG patients and GPs currently look for support.


4. Is NHS England fully aware of the special status of 'elderly need'
within ECCCG area, which I believe contains, pro-rata, more elderly people
than any other CCG area in England, and collapsing services?”


Please note that, as you are not requesting specific recorded information
from NHS England, we are not responding to you in-line with the Freedom of
Information (FOI) Act and are responding informally.


We have provided the attached Board Paper, which is available on the NHS
England website ([1]https://www.england.nhs.uk/gp/), in the hope that this
may be helpful.


Please note that the FOI Act gives you the right to ask any public sector
organisation for the recorded information they have on any subject. You
can ask for any information you think a public authority may hold. The
right only covers recorded information which includes information held on
computers, in emails and in printed or handwritten documents. Your request
can be in the form of a question, rather than a request for specific
documents, but the authority does not have to answer your question if this
would mean creating new information or giving an opinion or judgment that
is not already recorded. If a public authority does not hold recorded
information relating to your question, they will advise you that they do
not hold the information.


Please quote the reference number FOI-053520 in any future communications.


Please do not reply to this email. This message has been sent from a
central mailbox. To communicate with NHS England regarding Freedom of
Information (FOI) requests, enquiries or complaints we ask these are sent
directly to NHS England’s customer contact centre. This is to ensure all
communications are progressed correctly. Their postal address, telephone
number and email details are as follows:- PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT;
0300 3 11 22 33, [2][NHS England request email].


Yours sincerely,



Freedom of Information

Corporate Communications Team

Transformation and Corporate Operations Directorate


NHS England

PO Box 16738


B97 9PT


Tel: 0300 311 22 33

Email: [3][NHS England request email]


‘High quality care for all, now and for future generations’

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Visible links
1. https://www.england.nhs.uk/gp/
2. mailto:[NHS England request email]
3. mailto:[NHS England request email]