Requests similar to 'Eastern Cheshire CCG: Cash-strapped GP Surgeries - greater need for elderly care'

Audit costs, purpose and services
Response by NHS England to Charlotte Peters Rock on .

Long overdue

Dear Ms Peters Rock,   Re: Freedom of Information request (Our Ref: FOI-053519)   Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated...
FOI/EIR request Our reference: 3368661 B...
Clares Law
Response by NHS England to Fiona Watts on .

Long overdue

Dear Ms Watts,   Our reference: Request for Clarification (FOI-053029)   Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated 24 March...
The Apperta Foundation CIC
Response by NHS England to Andrew Roberts on .


Dear Andrew Roberts, Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated 15 December 2019. Please accept our apologies for the delay in re...
Employer names & volumes
Response by Disclosure and Barring Service to Jack Lander on .


Dear Mr Lander,   Thank you for your email enquiry of the 2^nd of January 2024.   Your request has been handled in accordance with the Freedom...
Children's playgrounds. (Follow-up).
Response by Highland Council to Iain Sanders on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Sanders, Original FOI request: Children's playgrounds. (Follow-up). Kindly copy me all your documentation on the establishment of the play...
Liverpool Health Partners Ltd
Response by NHS England to G Taylor on .

Information not held

Dear G Taylor,   Re:      Freedom of Information request (Our Ref: FOI-057590)   Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated...
Brexit Party
Response by North Somerset Council to Jenna Corderoy on .


Dear Ms Corderoy   I can confirm that the information requested is held by North Somerset Council.  I have attached copies of the information that...
Ifield Medical Practice, Lady Margaret Road,Crawley, Sussex.
Response by NHS England to Geoff Lovell on .

Awaiting internal review

Dear Mr Lovell,   Re:     Freedom of Information request (Our Ref: FOI-053884)   Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated...
Perjury by NHS workers in investigations
Response by NHS England to C Rock on .

Information not held

Dear C Rock,   Thank you for your communication dated 24 July 2019.   NHS England has assessed your communication as a request under the Freedo...
Alignment of PHSO and NHS Complaints handling
Response by NHS England to C Rock on .

Partially successful

Dear C Rock,   Freedom of Information Request Acknowledgement (Our Ref: FOI-057878)   Thank you for your communication dated 19 November 2018....
NHS England Corporate Risk Registers (2019/20)
Response by NHS England to Joseph Lloyd on .


Dear Joseph Lloyd,   Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated 27 August 2022. Your exact request was: “Under the Freedom of...
Dear Constantina Payne,   Re:      Freedom of Information Internal Review outcome (Our Ref: FOI-057606 IR)   Thank you for your Freedom of Inf...
Dear Charlotte Rock, Thank you for your communication dated 04 July 2022. NHS England has assessed your communication as a request under the Freedo...
Prescribed drug Zantac and Cancer links
Response by NHS England to C Rock on .

Information not held

Dear C N Rock,   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 21 February 2022. Your exact request was: “Please can you answer my ques...
Dear Jude Sutton   Thank you for your email. As you were experiencing problems with the links, I have downloaded the relevant documents and attach...
Guidance to New Councillors
Response by Wyre Forest District Council to Maddie Cross on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Maddie,   In response to your recent FOI request, please see the attached.   If you have a complaint about the handling of this Freedom of...
Details of registered services
Response by Care Quality Commission to David Watt on .


Dear  Mr Watt    Our Ref: Information Request CQC IAT 2011 483   I am writing in response to your request for information dated 22 August 2011...
Response by NHS England to Matt Richards on .

Partially successful

Freedom of Information Request (Our Ref: FOI-2304-1954492) Dear Matt Richards,   Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated 2 Ma...
Transgender Workshop
Response by NHS England to Jessica Key on .


Dear Ms Key,   Re:      Freedom of Information request (Our Ref: SDR – 230537)   Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated...
FOI Hand Corr
Response by NHS England to JJ Evans on .

Partially successful

Dear JJ Evans, Re:     Freedom of Information request (Our Ref: FOI-059590) Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated Your ex...
Dear Mr Kenward, Thank you for your request. Please find our response below. 1. We would like a copy of the councils results and analysis of the publ...
London Borough of Culture
Response by Greater London Authority to Ms M Jennings on .


Dear Ms Jennings Please find attached response in relation to your request for an internal review.  Yours sincerely Information Governance Offic...
Our Ref: RE/JKW/FOI288 Dear Mr Ayub I refer to your recent request to have access to information under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2... domains
Response by NHS Digital to Blake Stevens on .


Ref: NIC-285808-Y1X7N  Dear Blake Stevens, Many thanks for your recent request to NHS Digital. We have now received a reply to this from our coll...