East Oxford LTN Evaluation Snapshot Report - underlying data

The request was partially successful.

Richard Parnham

Dear Oxfordshire County Council,

Please provide me with the underlying data that can be found in the Active Travel Tranche 2: East Oxford LTN Evaluation Snapshot Report (ideally, the excel data, which will be more granular than the published summary).

I'm firstly interested in the dataset that underpins the published traffic volumn analysis - ideally data that was initially collated on a monthly / weekly basis, if available, (and will therefore show the impact of removing, and replacing, the LTN barriers), ideally broken down by mode of travel.

The 2022 air quality data analysis, ideally broken down monthly (it's OK to share data that includes wider area coverage than just the LTNs).

The emergency service response times, ideally broken down monthly, daily or even hourly - to display the fluctations in response times, based on whether the schools are out etc, peak rush hour etc. If you have some, or all, of these granular datasets, please provide each.

Yours faithfully,

Richard Parnham

FOI Team, Oxfordshire County Council

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FOI Team

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FOI - E&E, Oxfordshire County Council

Our reference: 21688 EIR


Dear Mr Parnham,

Thank you for your request of 06 June 2023 which you asked for the
following information:

Please provide me with the underlying data that can be found in the Active
Travel Tranche 2: East Oxford LTN Evaluation Snapshot Report (ideally, the
excel data, which will be more granular than the published summary).


I'm firstly interested in the dataset that underpins the published traffic
volume analysis  - ideally data that was initially collated on a monthly /
weekly basis, if available, (and will therefore show the impact of
removing, and replacing, the LTN barriers), ideally broken down by mode of


The 2022 air quality data analysis, ideally broken down monthly (it's OK
to share data that includes wider area coverage than just the LTNs).


The emergency service response times, ideally broken down monthly, daily
or even hourly - to display the fluctations in response times, based on
whether the schools are out etc, peak rush hour etc. If you have some, or
all, of these granular datasets, please provide each.



Your request is being considered and you will receive the information
requested as soon as possible and in any event within the next 20 working
days in compliance with the Environmental Information Regulations
2004/Freedom of Information Act 2000, unless an exception applies. This
means that the council will respond to you by the end of 04 July 2023.


If appropriate, the information requested can be made available in
alternative formats, including other languages, Braille, large print, and
audiocassette. If you require any of these formats, then please let me


Please contact me if you have any have further enquiries about your
request. I would be grateful if you could quote the reference number given
at the top of this email.


Kind regards,




Renata Malinowski

Freedom of Information Support Officer


Voice of the Customer Team

Customers and Organisational Development


Oxfordshire County Council

Email:  [1]FOI-E&[email address]










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FOI - E&E, Oxfordshire County Council

4 Attachments

Our reference:  21688 EIR


Dear Mr Parnham,


Thank you for your request of 06 June 2022 in which you asked for the
following information:


Please provide me with the underlying data that can be found in the Active
Travel Tranche 2: East Oxford LTN Evaluation Snapshot Report (ideally, the
excel data, which will be more granular than the published summary).


I'm firstly interested in the dataset that underpins the published traffic
volume analysis - ideally data that was initially collated on a monthly /
weekly basis, if available, (and will therefore show the impact of
removing, and replacing, the LTN barriers), ideally broken down by mode of


The 2022 air quality data analysis, ideally broken down monthly (it's OK
to share data that includes wider area coverage than just the LTNs).


The emergency service response times, ideally broken down monthly, daily,
or even hourly - to display the fluctuations in response times, based on
whether the schools are out etc, peak rush hour etc. If you have some, or
all, of these granular datasets, please provide each.



Our response:

Please find attached a spreadsheet ‘EIR 21688 VivaCity’ with monthly data
for each mode of road user from the VivaCity sensors for the pre and post
intervention periods analysed in the Snapshot report.  This covers all
Boundary Roads and two ‘In-LTN’ roads and their corresponding control road
sets all as per paragraphs 19 to 22 in the Snapshot report.  Please note
that the naming convention for the data is slightly different from that
used in the snapshot report in the following cases:


│  │Count line name in report │Data name in spreadsheet │
│1 │OX38 Iffley Road north │OX38_Iflley_Rd_North │
│2 │OX20 Iffley Road east │OX20_Iffley_Rd_North │
│3 │OX3 Marston Ferry Road * │OX31b_Marston_Ferry_Road_East │

* In the case of item 3, there is a typo in the report – the sensor
assignment code should read OX31.


The other ‘In-LTN’ roads were monitored using periodic Automatic Traffic
Counter (ATC) surveys and as such, monthly time series of data are not
available. We have however, attached the average daily counts data taken
in October/November 2021 (pre implementation) and the similar survey
result for 2022 (post implementation). See spreadsheet attached ‘EIR 21688


Oxfordshire County Council do not hold ratified Air Quality data as we do
not have the legal statutory duty to do so. All the data that was
presented in the Snapshot report has been sent to us by Oxford City
Council. However, the 2022 data that was used in the report has now been
published on the Oxford City Council website (on 15^th June 2023) and can
be accessed via this link. [1]Air quality annual status reports | Air
quality annual status reports | Oxford City Council


The South-Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) have modelled the impact on
ambulance response times of installing LTN filters in the East Oxford area
against a baseline of prevailing response times in the period May to
November 2022. It reports on the impact of average response times against
NHS England response categories. We have copied the SCAS data into the
Snapshot report and we do not hold any more granular data, but we can say
that the model:

• Uses average road speed data
• Takes into account known factors such as road works, but not the
displaced traffic arising from the roadworks
• Uses historical call out data for the period to produce likely event
• Is run many times to ensure variance and noise is removed
• Considers an area defined by a radius from the centre of the LTNs so
will include parts of the road network without closures
• Assumes LTN bollards are immovable.



Internal review

If you are dissatisfied with the service or response to your request, you
can ask for an internal review as follows:


• Contact the Freedom of Information team in Customers and
Organisational Development

[2][Oxfordshire County Council request email] 

• Write to the Freedom of Information team at the FREEPOST address:

Freedom of Information Team
Oxfordshire County Council
Oxford OX1 1YA


If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint,
you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:

The Information Commissioner's Office,

Wycliffe House,

Water Lane,




Telephone: 0303 123 1113

Website: [3]www.ico.gov.uk


Please let me know if you have further enquiries. I would be grateful if
you could use the reference number given at the top of this email.


Yours sincerely,


Aron Wisdom

Programme Lead

Transport and Infrastructure

Oxfordshire County Council

Email: [4][email address]



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