DSAR- representaion for the plight of the learning disabled- PHA
Dear Public Health Agency for Northern Ireland,
Since I made contcat with Michelle Tennyson, head of PPI, asking for representation
under the social care reform act 2009, (my PPI rights) relating to the learning disabled communtiy
please outline in full as a DSAR
*all work done to achieve representation for me
*all staff contacted and worked with within , PPI, PCC, WHSCT , DOH , PHA and other
*all plans made
*all timelines
*reasoning why no response has been forthcoming
*when a response will be forthcoming
*If Christine Mc Loughlin was contacted- details of communication
*If Vivian Mc Convey was worked with, same
*If Robin Swann was contacted and asked to meet me, as I requested
*If Robin Swann refused, what reason was given
*If Nigel Chambers was communicated with
*If PPI staff liaised with each other to plan representation for me from their various posts
*all other data relating to me and my request for representation
Yours faithfully,
Joan Corrigan
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Thank you for your FOI request. The FOI team will formally acknowledge
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However, in the meantime please consider the following. Due to the
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have submitted an FOI request seeking COVID-19 related information, it is
those same staff who will have to be taken from this work and deployed in
order to provide you with a response.
Over the past few months, there has been an increasing amount of
information and statistics made available on the internet, updated on a
daily or weekly basis, in order to inform the public. This information
can be found at:
• [1]DoH Daily Dashboard
• [2]NISRA dashboard
• [3]PHAWeekly COVID 19 & Monthly Epidemiological Bulletins
If your FOI request is COVID-19 related, please take a look at these
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You can do this by sending a follow-up e-mail to the above email address
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If the web links above do not give you the information you are requesting,
or if your request is non-COVID-19 related, we will proceed with your
request as per our normal procedure. Please note that given the current
COVID-19 situation PHA may not be able to respond to your request within
the 20 day timeframe laid down in the FOI Act 2000 however, please be
assured that a response will be sent as soon as we are in a position to do
Thank you
FOI team
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Visible links
1. https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/articles/co...
2. https://files.nisra.gov.uk/Births,%20Dea...
3. https://www.publichealth.hscni.net/publi...
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