We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Joan Corrigan please sign in and let everyone know.

DSAR- representaion for the plight of the learning disabled

We're waiting for Joan Corrigan to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland),

Since I made contcat with PCC on dates 15th and 23 June 2022- asking for representation
under the social care reform act 2009, (my PPI rights) relating to the learning disabled communtiy

please outline in full as a DSAR

*all work done to achieve representation for me
*all staff contacted and worked with within PCC, WHSCT , DOH , PHA and other
*all plans made
*all timelines
*reasoning why no response has been forthcoming
*when a response will be forthcoming
*If Christine Mc Loughlin was contacted- detailes of communication
*If Michelle Tennyson was worked with, same
*If Robin SWann was contacted and asked to meet me, as I requested
*If Robin Swann refused, what reason was given
*If Nigel Chambers was communicated with
*If PCC staff liaised with each other to plan representation for me from their various posts
*all other data relating to me and my request for representation

Yours faithfully,

Joan Corrigan

DPA BSO, Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”

Dear Ms Corrigan,
Please accept this email as a formal acknowledgement of your subject
access request submitted to the PCC.
Your request has been logged under reference DPR 3330.
The statutory date for response is 9th September 2022.
We will contact you if there is likely to be any delay in issuing you with
a formal response.
Kind regards,
BSO Corporate Services

show quoted sections

DPA BSO, Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Dear Ms Corrigan,
Further to the below email.
Unfortunately, due to the volume of documentation if has taken longer than
originally envisaged to review, so further time will be required.
Although we are unable to confirm a date at this time, please be assured
we will try to expedite this matter on your behalf.
Please accept my apologies for the delay.
Kind regards,
BSO Corporate Services
Sent: 10 August 2022 14:05
To: '[FOI #885744 email]'
<[FOI #885744 email]>
Subject: FW: Freedom of Information request - DSAR- representaion for the
plight of the learning disabled
Dear Ms Corrigan,
Please accept this email as a formal acknowledgement of your subject
access request submitted to the PCC.
Your request has been logged under reference DPR 3330.
The statutory date for response is 9th September 2022.
We will contact you if there is likely to be any delay in issuing you with
a formal response.
Kind regards,
BSO Corporate Services

show quoted sections

DPA BSO, Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Dear Ms Corrigan,
we should advise you that the Patient Client Council are currently
finalising a formal response in relation to your subject access request
As the email address that you have used will be automatically published,
we believe that it would be inappropriate for us to reply to that same
email address, as the response will contain your personal data.
As such, could we ask you to provide us with your chosen personal email
address and we will provide you with the information requested?
Kind regards
BSO Corporate Services

show quoted sections


Please provide an answer to my request and do so using this website.

Please ensure that my email address is redacted, and that solves the problem.

Please stop looking for excuses not to answer me on this website, which will expose your inaction on the causes I brought to you

Please answer without undue delay

Yours sincerely,

Joan Corrigan

DPA BSO, Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Dear Ms Corrigan,
thank you for your correspondence below.
I should advise that regardless of whether you have consented to the
release of your personal data online, we believe that in doing so would
constitute a breach of BSO's/PCC's duty to uphold  both the integrity and
confidentiality principle of UK GDPR: namely, "processed in a manner that
ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection
against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss,
destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational
The ICO make it quite clear that information relating to a subject access
request should be communicated securely by the respondent:
As such, we must reiterate our stance that releasing personal data in this
matter would be inappropriate.
We would once again ask that you provide a personal email address in order
to allow us to provide a response to your subject access request. Should
you subsequently choose to publish your personal data online, that is
entirely your decision.  However, our over-riding concern is that of
upholding the principles of data protection legislation.
Kind regards
Julie Sempey
Information Governance Manager
Business Services Organisation
2 Franklin Street | Belfast| BT2 8DQ

show quoted sections


Are you asking me to put my email address of this website? which violates my privacy rights, or are you going to give me your email address so that I can email you?

Yours sincerely,

Joan Corrigan

DPA BSO, Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Dear Ms Corrigan,
we are requesting that you provide a private / personal email address
which in turn will enable BSO to provide you with your personal
information in a secure manner.
In terms of your concerns of BSO violating your privacy rights, our
request for a personal email address from yourself is to avoid any
violation of your privacy rights.
BSO are mindful that any information relating to a subject access  request
should be communicated securely by the respondent.
We will await your response in this matter.
Kind regards
Julie Sempey
Information Governance Manager
Business Services Organisation
2 Franklin Street | Belfast| BT2 8DQ

show quoted sections

DPA BSO, Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Dear Ms Corrigan,
further to my email below, I should also advise that should you be able to
furnish us with your private email address, it may be prudent to email
from that private email address ( as opposed
[1][FOI #885744 email] ) to [2][email address] ,
in order to avoid any violation of your privacy rights.
We will await your response.
Kind regards,
Julie Sempey
Information Governance Manager
Business Services Organisation
2 Franklin Street | Belfast| BT2 8DQ

show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Joan Corrigan please sign in and let everyone know.