Drugs in Flintshire Secondary Schools
Dear Hawarden High School,
I am researching the levels of drug use within Flintshire secondary schools and would like to request the number of cases where drugs have been found in school within the last academic year, 2010/11.
Please also list how many pupils were temporarily or permanently excluded as a result of these cases.
Yours faithfully,
Sam Jones
Thank you for your e-mail, it has been forwarded to Mr Roger Davies,
Headteacher, thank you.
Sam Jones To FOI requests at Hawarden High School
<[FOI #96521 email]> <[Hawarden High School request email]>
09/12/2011 00:00 Fax to
Subject Freedom of Information request - Drugs
in Flintshire Secondary Schools
Dear Hawarden High School,
I am researching the levels of drug use within Flintshire secondary
schools and would like to request the number of cases where drugs
have been found in school within the last academic year, 2010/11.
Please also list how many pupils were temporarily or permanently
excluded as a result of these cases.
Yours faithfully,
Sam Jones
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #96521 email]
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Freedom of Information requests to Hawarden High School? If so,
please contact us using this form:
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Opinions advice, conclusions and other information in this
message that do not relate to the official business of
Flintshire County Council shall be understood as neither
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whatsoever in respect thereof.
Deellir na fydd unrhyw safbwyntiau, na chynghorion, na
chasgliadau nac unrhyw wybodaeth arall yn y neges hon,
nad ydynt yn berthnasol i waith swyddogol
Cyngor Sir y Fflint, yn cael eu cynnig na'u cadarnhau ganddo
nac ar ei ran, ac felly ni fydd Cyngor Sir y Fflint yn derbyn
unrhyw gyfrifoldeb am y rhannau hynny o'r neges.
Dear Hawarden High School,
By law, you should have responded by 12th January 2012.
Yours faithfully,
Sam Jones
Thank you for your e-mail, it has been forwarded to Mr Roger Davies,
Sam Jones To [email address]
<[FOI #96521 email]> cc
Fax to
13/01/2012 01:19 Subject Re: Freedom of Information
request - Drugs in Flintshire
Secondary Schools
Dear Hawarden High School,
By law, you should have responded by 12th January 2012.
Yours faithfully,
Sam Jones
Dear Sam
Further to your email in relation to the above, I wish to inform you that
that had one incident, involving one child, within the last academic year
Kind regards
Lisa Donnelly
PA to Headteacher
Hawarden High School
Dear Ms Jones
Thank you for your e-mail. Having checked our records I can confirm that
we did respond within 12 days of our receipt of your request, 8 days
within the statutory timeframe having regard to the school holiday period.
Roger Davies
Hawarden High School
01244 526400
Gill To Sam Jones
Edwards/Education/Flintshire/GB <[FOI #96521 email]>
cc [email address]
13/01/2012 08:54 Fax to
Subject Re: Freedom of Information request - Drugs
in Flintshire Secondary Schools[1]Link
Thank you for your e-mail, it has been forwarded to Mr Roger Davies,
Sam Jones To [email address]
<[FOI #96521 email]> cc
Fax to
13/01/2012 01:19 Subject Re: Freedom of Information
request - Drugs in Flintshire
Secondary Schools
Dear Hawarden High School,
By law, you should have responded by 12th January 2012.
Yours faithfully,
Sam Jones
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