Drugs and Alcohol in Lincoln

The request was successful.

Dear Lincoln City Council,

I am curious to know whether there has been a rise in drug and alcohol misuse in the past 5 years and whether it's at a peak now? Or is it at a very moderate level?

Yours faithfully,

Joshua Brown

Shearwood, Karan (City of Lincoln Council), Lincoln City Council

3 Attachments

Dear Sir




I refer to your request for information received on 2 November 2018
concerning the above and enclose the Council’s response.


If you wish to appeal against the handling of your request then please
contact the Freedom of Information Officer at the City of Lincoln Council,
City Hall, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln, LN1 1DB. Telephone 01522 873441 or
e-mail [1][Lincoln City Council request email].


Further information is also available from the Information Commissioner


Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone: 01625 545 700 [2]www.ico.org.uk


With regards.



Karan Shearwood
Legal Officer
T 01522 873840
[3]City of Lincoln Council

City of Lincoln Council
City Hall, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln, LN1 1DD

Read more about [5]our vision



City of Lincoln Council is a Living Wage employer. If you would like to
know more about the Living Wage, or sign up to the Making Lincoln Living
Wage campaign, please visit [7]www.lincolnagainstpoverty.co.uk/livingwage

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For further information regarding how we protect your data see our
[8]privacy notice for customers.


Visible links
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3. http://www.lincoln.gov.uk/doitonline
4. http://www.lincoln.gov.uk/doitonline
5. http://www.lincoln.gov.uk/vision2020
7. http://www.lincolnagainstpoverty.co.uk/l...
8. https://www.lincoln.gov.uk/privacy-policy/