Dear Cornwall Council,
Am I allowed to fly a drone over castle an Dinas quarry
Yours faithfully,
Michael Jane
Information Classification: CONTROLLED
Dear Sir
Thank you for your email. Please can you supply the original request email you sent to us?
Kind regards
Information Management Advisor
Cornwall Council | Legal Service | Finance and Assurance Service
email address
www.cornwall.gov.uk | 'Onen hag oll'
4th Floor, North Wing, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro, TR1 3AY
Please let us know if you need any particular assistance from us, such as facilities to help with mobility, vision or hearing, or information in a different format.
Dear Freedom Of Information Mail,
Yours sincerely,
Michael Jane
Information Classification: CONTROLLED
Dear Mr Jane
Thank you for your email dated 23^rd August 2022 which has been forwarded
for our attention.
You will be allowed to fly a drone over the quarry only if you are able to
conform with the following:
• We are assuming that you have the necessary permissions in place with
local airports / aviation authorities as per our own equipment
permissions and that of our contractors.
• Due to health and safety reasons, you will not be allowed to fly the
drone over the quarry whilst it is operational.
• You do not have permission to personally operate / fly the drone
within the quarries operational boundaries either whilst the quarry is
operational or out of hours.
• Any loss or damage to the drone is at your own risk.
• If the drone were to land / crash within the boundaries of the
operational quarry, you would not have permission to enter site and
retrieve it.
Kind regards
Steve Trevor
Head of Aggregates & Recycling
[1][email address] | Tel: 0300 1234 222
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