Driving penalty points 2020

The request was successful.

Dear Department for Transport,

I would like to know:

- A breakdown of the number of penalty points on driving licenses across city/regions in the UK, if this is too large, the top 10 areas with the most points.

- If possible I would like to know the reasons given for them, in addition.
Yours faithfully,


3 Attachments

Dear Megan


Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information request to
the DVLA.





Freedom of Information

Strategy, Policy & Communications Directorate | C2 | DVLA | Swansea | SA6




We can always spot an untaxed car. Tax it or lose it.

Go to [2]www.gov.uk/vehicletax

Twitter: [3]@dvlagovuk  |  Facebook: [4]dvlagovuk  |  YouTube: [5]dvlagov


Correspondents should note that all communications to DVLA may be
automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded for lawful purposes.

Please visit [6]www.gov.uk/browse/driving for government information on
all aspects of motoring, ranging from log books and driving licences to
driving tests and vehicle tax.


Visible links
1. http://www.dft.gov.uk/dvla
2. http://www.gov.uk/vehicletax
3. http://www.twitter.com/dvlagovuk
4. http://www.twitter.com/dvlagovuk
5. http://www.twitter.com/dvlagovuk
6. http://www.gov.uk/browse/driving