DPL and FRU Equipment Lists
Dear London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (London Fire Brigade),
I would like to request the equipment check lists for Dual Purpose Ladders and Fire Rescue Units containing everything stored in each of the appliances.
Yours faithfully,
J. Colbert
Dear J Colbert,
Thank you for your request.
This will be considered under the FOIA.
As such we will respond within 20 working days.
Kind Regards,
James Sivell
Information Access Manager
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street, London SE1 0LL
T: 020 8555 1200
E: [email address]
Data Protection Act 1998
Your personal information will be processed by the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority for the purpose of fire service administration. We will keep your details secure and will not disclose them to other organisations or third parties (except contractors or suppliers working on our behalf) without your permission unless we are legally required to do so. For more information about how we use your personal information, see our notification entry (Z7122455) at: www.ico.org.uk
Dear J Colbert,
Thank you for your request, dated 14 January 2018 requesting information on equipment found on different London Fire Brigade (LFB) appliances.
In response, please see the attached spreadsheet 'Items on Unit Appliances' which details equipment found on both Pump Ladder (PL) and Fire Rescue Units (FRU).
I hope you find this of use. If you have any further questions do let me know.
Your request has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. If you are dissatisfied by this response you can request an internal review by writing to the Head of Information Management and Performance at the address below (or email [email address]).
Further information about your information rights (including how to raise a concern or make a complaint) is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office on their website at www.ico.org.uk or by writing to them at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Kind Regards,
James Sivell
Information Access Manager
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street, London SE1 0LL
T: 020 8555 1200
E: [email address]
Data Protection Act 1998
Your personal information will be processed by the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority for the purpose of fire service administration. We will keep your details secure and will not disclose them to other organisations or third parties (except contractors or suppliers working on our behalf) without your permission unless we are legally required to do so. For more information about how we use your personal information, see our notification entry (Z7122455) at: www.ico.org.uk
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