Dorota Iwaniec-Curl (Expert Witness)
Dear Guardian Ad Litem (Northern Ireland),
I wish to know how often Professor Iwaniec-Curl was the proposed 'expert' witness put before the courts (by NIGALA) since June 2005?
How many times did the BHSCT/NIGALA jointly instruct the emeritus professor?
How many times did the NHSCT/NIGALA jointly instruct the emeritus professor?
How many times did the SHSCT/NIGALA jointly instruct emeritus professor?
How many times did the SEHSCT/NIGALA jointly instruct the emeritus professor?
How many times did the WHSCT/NIGALA jointly instruct the emeritus professor?
Of these occasions, How many times did the Professor's
conclusion/findings differ from the GAL's findings?
Under the most recent practice directions for expert witnesses, it would appear the professor does not qualify, i.e. she "is not currently working and is therefore not up-to-date with current research and teachings". This being the case is the professor employed in any on-going cases?
The emeritus professor is a professor of social work and possesses ZERO clinical/medical qualifications. Is it therefore accepted if Professor Iwaniec-Curl makes judgement/comment to any diagnosed conditions she is stepping outside her legal remit?
In joint instructions with BHSCT How much did the NIGALA pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for original reports in the years April 2005 - April 2013? (please state years separately)
In joint instructions with BHSCT How much did the NIGALA pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for addendum reports in the years April 2005 - April 2013? (please state years separately)
In joint instructions with NHSCT How much did the NIGALA pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for original reports in the years April 2005 - April 2013? (please state years separately)
In joint instructions with NHSCT How much did the NIGALA pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for addendum reports in the years April 2005 - April 2013? (please state years separately)
In joint instructions with SHSCT How much did the NIGALA pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for original reports in the years April 2005 - April 2013? (please state years separately)
In joint instructions with SHSCT How much did the NIGALA pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for addendum reports in the years April 2005 - April 2013? (please state years separately)
In joint instructions with SEHSCT How much did the NIGALA pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for original reports in the years April 2005 - April 2013? (please state years separately)
In joint instructions with SEHSCT How much did the NIGALA pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for addendum reports in the years April 2005 - April 2013? (please state years separately)
In joint instructions with WHSCT How much did the NIGALA pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for original reports in the years April 2005 - April 2013? (please state years separately)
In joint instructions with WHSCT How much did the NIGALA pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for addendum reports in the years April 2005 - April 2013? (please state years separately)
Finally what happens if/when the emeritus professor's
conclusions/findings are incorrect (even if they have been accepted by NIGALA and the court) Do removed children qualify for rehabilitation home?
Thank you for your time, with my voluminous request.
Yours faithfully,
Dear A. Henry,
Thank you for your request for information which I received on Monday 22nd April.
I have recorded your request in our request tracking system.
We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and, in any event, within the permitted timescales.
Ronan Durnin
Information Manager
NI Guardian Ad Litem Agency
79 Chichester Street
15^th May 2013
A. Henry
Via email: [1][FOI #158808 email]
Dear Sir/Madam,
Further to your Freedom of Information request dated 22^nd April 2013 I am
emailing you with the NIGALA’s response.
In order to facilitate ease of response to your request I have tabulated
your requests as shown below.
| |Request |Response |
|1 |I wish to know how often |The NIGALA operates an electronic |
| |Professor Iwaniec-Curl was the |case information system which is used|
| |proposed 'expert' witness put |to store all case related information|
| |before the courts (by NIGALA) |held by the Agency. |
| |since June 2005? | |
| | | |
| | | |
|--+-------------------------------|This case management system does not |
|2 |How many times did the |require information relating to |
| |BHSCT/NIGALA jointly instruct |expert witnesses to be recorded in |
| |the emeritus professor? |the system. |
| | | |
| | | |
|--+-------------------------------| |
|3 |How many times did the |The Northern Ireland Guardian Ad |
| |NHSCT/NIGALA jointly instruct |Litem does not hold the information |
| |the emeritus professor? |you have requested and we are |
| | |therefore unable to supply you with |
| | |the statistical information you |
|--+-------------------------------|request in parts 1-7 of your request.|
|4 |How many times did the | |
| |NHSCT/NIGALA jointly instruct | |
| |the emeritus professor? | |
| | | |
| | | |
|--+-------------------------------| |
|5 |How many times did the | |
| |SEHSCT/NIGALA jointly instruct | |
| |the emeritus | |
| | | |
| |professor? | |
| | | |
| | | |
|--+-------------------------------| |
|6 |How many times did the | |
| |WHSCT/NIGALA jointly instruct | |
| |the emeritus | |
| | | |
| |professor? | |
| | | |
| | | |
|7 |Of these occasions, How many |The Agency’s case management system |
| |times did the Professor's |does not hold any information in |
| |conclusion/findings differ from|relation to this request. |
| |the GAL's findings? | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|8 |Under the most recent practice |As there is no requirement within the|
| |directions for expert |Agency’s electronic case management |
| |witnesses, it would appear the |system to record the appointment of |
| |professor does not qualify, |expert witnesses in cases we do not |
| |i.e. she "is not currently |hold the information you have |
| |working and is therefore not |requested. |
| |up-to-date with current | |
| |research and teachings". This | |
| |being the case is the professor| |
| |employed in any on-going cases?| |
| | | |
| | | |
|9 |The emeritus professor is a |The Agency is unable to comment on |
| |professor of social work and |such a concern as this issue would be|
| |possesses ZERO clinical/medical|better addressed to the relevant |
| |qualifications. Is it therefore|court. |
| |accepted if Professor | |
| |Iwaniec-Curl makes | |
| |judgement/comment to any | |
| |diagnosed conditions she is | |
| |stepping outside her legal | |
| |remit? | |
| | | |
| | | |
|10|In joint instructions with |The NIGALA are not responsible for |
| |BHSCT How much did the NIGALA |the payment of expert witness fees |
| |pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for |and therefore do not hold the |
| |original reports in the years |information you have requested in |
| |April 2005 -April 2013? (please|relation to parts 10 – 19 of your |
| |state years separately) |request. |
| | | |
| | | |
|--+-------------------------------| |
|11|In joint instructions with |The Northern Ireland Legal Services |
| |BHSCT How much did the NIGALA |Commission are responsible for making|
| |pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for |payments to expert witnesses. |
| |addendum reports in the years | |
| |April 2005 - April 2013? | |
| |(please state years separately)| |
| | |You may contact NILSC via their |
| | |website: |
|--+-------------------------------| |
|12|In joint instructions with | |
| |NHSCT How much did the NIGALA | |
| |pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for |[2] |
| |original reports in the years | |
| |April 2005 - April 2013? | |
| |(please state years separately)| |
| | |or in writing : |
| | | |
|--+-------------------------------| |
|13|In joint instructions with | |
| |NHSCT How much did the NIGALA | The Northern Ireland Legal Services |
| |pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for | Commission |
| |addendum reports in the years | 2nd Floor, |
| |April 2005 - April 2013? | |
| |(please state years separately)| Waterfront Plaza, |
| | | 8 Laganbank Road, |
| | | Mays Meadow, |
|--+-------------------------------| Belfast, |
|14|In joint instructions with | BT1 3BN |
| |SHSCT How much did the NIGALA | |
| |pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for | |
| |original reports in the years | |
| |April 2005- April 2013? (please| |
| |state years separately) | |
| | | |
| | | |
|--+-------------------------------| |
|15|In joint instructions with | |
| |SHSCT How much did the NIGALA | |
| |pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for | |
| |addendum reports in the years | |
| |April 2005 - April 2013? | |
| |(please state years separately)| |
| | | |
| | | |
|--+-------------------------------| |
|16|In joint instructions with | |
| |SEHSCT How much did the NIGALA | |
| |pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for | |
| |original reports in the years | |
| |April 2005 - April 2013? | |
| |(please state years separately)| |
| | | |
| | | |
|--+-------------------------------| |
|17|In joint instructions with | |
| |SEHSCT How much did the NIGALA | |
| |pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for | |
| |addendum reports in the years | |
| |April 2005 - April 2013? | |
| |(please state years separately)| |
| | | |
| | | |
|--+-------------------------------| |
|18|In joint instructions with | |
| |WHSCT How much did the NIGALA | |
| |pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for | |
| |original reports in the years | |
| |April 2005 - April 2013? | |
| |(please state years separately)| |
| | | |
| | | |
|--+-------------------------------| |
|19|In joint instructions with | |
| |WHSCT How much did the NIGALA | |
| |pay Professor Iwaniec-Curl for | |
| |addendum reports in the years | |
| |April 2005 - April 2013? | |
| |(please state years separately)| |
| | | |
| | | |
|20|Finally what happens if/when |Such matters should be addressed with|
| |the emeritus professor's |the relevant court which has made the|
| |conclusions/findings are |decision(s) which are considered to |
| |incorrect (even if they have |be incorrect. |
| |been accepted | |
| | | |
| |by NIGALA and the court) Do | |
| |removed children qualify for |Guardians ad litem are appointed by |
| |rehabilitation home? |the court and can only act after any |
| | |such appointment has been made. |
| | | |
| | | |
Under the terms of the Freedom of Information legislation you are entitled
to seek a review of this response. Such a review will be carried out by
the Agency. Should you wish us to review our decisions in this response
you may request us to do so by writing to:
FOI Review Officer
NI Guardian Ad Litem Agency
Centre House
79 Chichester Street
BT1 4JE.
If you remain dissatisfied after this review you have the right to appeal
to the Information Commissioner who will undertake an independent review.
Please contact me if you have any queries about this letter.
Yours sincerely,
R. Durnin
Mr. Ronan Durnin
Information Manager.
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