Dormouse licence issued to SeaChange Sussex in March 2015

The request was successful.

Dear Natural England,

In March 2015, I believe Natural England issued a dormouse licence to SeaChange Sussex in respect of Hastings Borough Council planning application HS/FA/14/00832, Queensway Gateway road. The licence is mentioned in this correspondence: I would like to see a copy of the licence.

Yours faithfully,

Andrea Needham

FOI (NE), Natural England

8 Attachments

Dear Ms Needham
Please find attached Natural England's response to your request for
information. I’m replying on behalf of the Wildlife Team.
Darren Green, Senior Adviser – Access to Information
Legal Services – Finance and Governance
T: 0300 060 1616         M: 078101 56750

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Dear FOI (NE),

Thank you for providing information about the dormouse licence issued to SeaChange Sussex in March 2015. However, I am unable to understand a number of the documents because the quality is so poor. In particular, I would like to be able to see the document 'QGR MS Annex I Figures 1 of 4 V1.0 20150205 Redacted.pdf' - there are in fact two documents supplied with this name, but I am referring to the second one which is much longer and contains a number of maps. I would be grateful if you could have a look at this document as supplied to me, and consider a way of making it available such that I can understand it - as it stands, I can see the photographs clearly but the maps are totally unintelligible. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Andrea Needham

FOI (NE), Natural England

Dear Ms Needham

Thank you for your email.

The documents we sent to you all had unique file names. The document you refer to below is the first one in a group of 4 related files that have '...Figures_(x of 4)...' in the filename, where 'x' is a number between 1 and 4.

You mentioned the poor quality of the files. I have re-looked at the information sent to you and have downloaded the file from the What Do They Know website and files are not poor quality.

However, there is an option on the What Do They Know to 'View as HTML' if this option is selected then the files are indeed low quality. So I suspect this is the option that you have used. I would suggest that you select the 'Download' option instead. This way the file will be downloaded and you will be able to view the actual pdf file rather than a HTML rendered version of it.

I hope the above helps.


Darren Green, Senior Adviser – Access to Information

Legal Services – Finance and Governance

T: 0300 060 1616         M: 078101 56750

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CEO Mr Newbold (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

The information returned is poor in this FIR and have I have had to make my own separate request for this information as the translocation site information was not featured in this report. If this is all of the report then this report is not adequate. From the information supplied it is also noted that if this license has been actioned it could not have been followed as documents are not available. The information has still not been returned to me either.


CEO Martin Newbold

CEO Mr Newbold (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

It should also be noted no Method Statement has been provided to you , or detailed report as sent from the Ecologist to Natural England. I hope this helps. I have also been told that no monitoring of the site has been provided to Natural England