Dear North Hertfordshire District Council,
I was hoping you could kindly help me with the following information:
- What Company services your automatic doors/ roller shutters/gates/barriers?
- Is the contract due to expire soon?
- Do you know how many assets are included in the contract?
- What is the value of the contract per year?
- Could you advise the name & contact details for the procurement team member responsible?
- Where do you currently advertise your contracts?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Emma Doorbarn
Thank you for contacting North Herts Council. We aim to reply to your
email within two working days; however, during busier periods it may take
If your enquiry is regarding Waste & Recycling you will need to speak
directly to Urbaser by phoning 01462 474000 and choosing option 3, or by
emailing [1][email address]
You can also sign up to receive email updates and text alerts here
- [2]
Have you registered for MyAccount yet? You can now view your Council Tax
account online.
Visit [3]
more information and to sign up.
If you would like to speak to us via social media, our team are available
to help: [4]North Herts Council (@NorthHertsDC) / Twitter or [5]North
Herts Council | Facebook
Kind regards,
Customer Services
North Herts Council
Your Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations
Dear Emma Doorbarn,
Thank you for your written request for information, your reference number
Your request is being considered and a response will be provided within
the statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations. Note
that not all information is automatically provided, as information may be
subject to statutory exemptions or exceptions from disclosure (see below).
You might also wish to view the NHDC disclosure log of previous requests,
some of which may answer some, or all of your current query. The log can
be found on the NHDC website at
If appropriate, the information may be provided in paper copy, normal font
size. If you require an alternative format (audio, Braille, large print)
or another language, please contact me with your requirements.
Our response will clearly indicate whether your request for information
has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act or under the
Environmental Information Regulations.
FOI/EIR legislation defines a number of exemptions/exceptions which may
prevent release of the information you have requested. There will be an
assessment of your request and if any of the exemptions/exceptions apply
then the information will not be released. You will be informed of the
exemptions/exceptions applied if this is the case, including your rights
to seek a review of the decision or appeal to the ICO.
If the information you request contains reference to a third party then
they may be consulted prior to a decision being taken on whether or not to
release the information to you. You will be informed if this is the case.
There may be a fee payable for this information, this will be considered
and you will be informed if any fees are payable. In this event the fee
must be paid before the information is processed and released. The 20
working day time limit for the responses is suspended until receipt of
Further information explaining the Council's process for responding to
information requests is available in our reception or on our website. If
you have any queries about the process of your request then please do not
hesitate to contact me.
If after receiving the response, you feel dissatisfied with the
information provided, or you disagree with a refusal decision, you have
the right to seek a review of the decision. We will accept a request for a
review up to 60 days after our response. After that date we consider the
case closed.
It is important that you include the above reference number when
communicating with Customer Services
Further information is also available from the Information Commissioner
Information Commissioners Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 0303 123 1113 (or 01625 545745 if you would prefer not to call
an ‘03’ number, or +44 1625 545745 if calling from overseas)
Thank you for your request.
Yours Sincerely
Information & Asset Team
North Hertfordshire District Council
Dear Emma Doorbarn
Thank you for your recent request for information, please see our response
contained within the attached document.
Yours sincerely
[1]A picture containing text Description
automatically generated
Garry Melding
[2]Logo, icon Description automatically
generated [3]Icon Description automatically Information Officer
generated [4]Icon Description automatically
generated [5]Icon Description automatically 01462 474000
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