Donations Committee
Dear St Peter's College, Oxford,
I am writing to request information on how the College considers small donations to local organisations.
These may be the responsibility of a specific committee (not necessarily called Donations Committee) or they may be addressed by a general committee (which may be called General Purposes Committee, Internal Committee, or another name).
If you have a specific committee which considers donations, please provide its most recent minutes.
If you have a general committee which considers donations, please provide the most recent decision on donations from its minutes.
I am also requesting any criteria or guidelines for eligibility and any criteria or guidelines which the College uses in making decisions on requests for donations.
Yours faithfully,
William Crowe
Dear William,
Thank you for your email.
We do not have a committee or guidelines related to your request.
With best wishes,
Hannah Hempstead (pronouns: she/her)
College Communications Manager
St Peter’s College
New Inn Hall Street
Oxford OX1 2DL
Porters’ Lodge/Switchboard 01865 278900
Direct Line 01865 278877
[mobile number]
Work from home notice: I work from home most Fridays
The College of St Peter Le Bailey in the University of Oxford is a registered charity (1143166) in England and Wales.
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