Donations Committee

William Crowe made this Freedom of Information request to St Hilda's College, Oxford Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Dear St Hilda's College, Oxford,

I am writing to request information on how the College considers small donations to local organisations.

These may be the responsibility of a specific committee (not necessarily called Donations Committee) or they may be addressed by a general committee (which may be called General Purposes Committee, Internal Committee, or another name).

If you have a specific committee which considers donations, please provide its most recent minutes.

If you have a general committee which considers donations, please provide the most recent decision on donations from its minutes.

I am also requesting any criteria or guidelines for eligibility and any criteria or guidelines which the College uses in making decisions on requests for donations.

Yours faithfully,

William Crowe

Chris Wood, St Hilda's College, Oxford

Dear William,

Any requests for donations received by the College - and there are very few - are considered by the Bursar.

Best wishes,

Chris Wood

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