Donations Committee
Dear Nuffield College, Oxford,
I am writing to request information on how the College considers small donations to local organisations.
These may be the responsibility of a specific committee (not necessarily called Donations Committee) or they may be addressed by a general committee (which may be called General Purposes Committee, Internal Committee, or another name).
If you have a specific committee which considers donations, please provide its most recent minutes.
If you have a general committee which considers donations, please provide the most recent decision on donations from its minutes.
I am also requesting any criteria or guidelines for eligibility and any criteria or guidelines which the College uses in making decisions on requests for donations.
Yours faithfully,
William Crowe
I will be out of the office and away from email until Monday 15th April
2024. If your message is urgent, please contact Claire Bunce on 01865
Dear William,
Thanks for your message below and sorry for the delay in replying.
As things stand, Nuffield College does not have a specific Donations
Committee or a general Committee (or specific criteria or guidelines)
which relate to the consideration of donation requests from small local
All the best,
Nuffield College, Oxford, OX1 1NF
+44 (0) 1865 278525 or 278606
From: William Crowe <[FOI #1116577 email]>
Date: Thursday, 11 April 2024 at 22:03
To: FOI requests at Nuffield College
<[Nuffield College request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Donations Committee
Dear Nuffield College, Oxford,
I am writing to request information on how the College considers small
donations to local organisations.
These may be the responsibility of a specific committee (not necessarily
called Donations Committee) or they may be addressed by a general
committee (which may be called General Purposes Committee, Internal
Committee, or another name).
If you have a specific committee which considers donations, please provide
its most recent minutes.
If you have a general committee which considers donations, please provide
the most recent decision on donations from its minutes.
I am also requesting any criteria or guidelines for eligibility and any
criteria or guidelines which the College uses in making decisions on
requests for donations.
Yours faithfully,
William Crowe
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #1116577 email]
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