Domestic violence statistics in Worcester for 2017

The request was successful.

Dear West Mercia Police,

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to make an open Government request.

Given this circumstance, could you please provide the following information:

1) How many people were arrested for alleged domestic violence in the following months of 2017: October, November, December – in Worcester?

2) Total number of calls for assistance to West Mercia Police related to women or children being domestically abused in Worcester over the period 24th December 2017 – 28th December 2017?

3) The total number of registered crimes related to domestic abuse (male to female) over the following months of 2017: November, December – in Worcester.

4) Statistics for domestic violence in Worcester (i.e. male to female, parent to child) over 1st January 2017 – 31st December 2017.

5) The number of people who accepted to receive help after being domestically abused over 1st January 2017 – 31st December 2017 – in Worcester.

6) Total number of sexual crimes/incidents in Worcester over 1st December 2017 – 31st December 2017.

7) Statistics for domestic violence related crimes/incidents in Worcester for 31st December 2017 – 1st January 2018.

8) Statistics regarding the most common type of domestic violence (i.e. male to female, parent to child) in Worcester over 1st January 2017 – 31st December 2017.

Also, compared to previous years, are there any improvements in what is being done for the victims of domestic violence?

Is the number of domestically abused people increasing or decreasing?

Thank you for your time.

I am looking forward for your response.

Yours faithfully,

Sabina Furnica

Information Compliance West Mercia, West Mercia Police

Dear Ms Furnica
I write in connection with your request for information dated 13th
January  2018 which was received on 15th January 2018.
Your request will now be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (the Act).  You will receive a response within the
statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act, subject to
the information not being exempt or containing a reference to a third
party.  In some circumstances West Mercia Police may be unable to achieve
this deadline.  If this is likely you will be informed and given a revised
time-scale at the earliest opportunity.
There may be a fee payable for the retrieval, collation and provision of
the information you request.  If this is the case you will be informed and
the 20 working day timescale will be suspended until we receive payment
from you. If you chose not to make payment then your request will remain
Some requests may also require either full or partial transference to
another public authority in order to answer your query in the fullest
possible way. Again, you will be informed if this is the case.
Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please write
or telephone the Information Compliance Unit quoting the reference number
Yours sincerely
Miss L MacKinnon
Information Compliance Assistant
Information Compliance Unit
Warwickshire Police & West Mercia Police

[1]Putting Victims FirstPutting Victims First
Warwickshire Police and West Mercia Police are committed to providing the
best possible service to our communities and putting victims at the heart
of everything we do.

For information on services and support given to our victims by us and our
criminal justice partners visit our websites:

Warwickshire Police: [2]
West Mercia Police: [3]


Visible links

Information Compliance West Mercia, West Mercia Police

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Furnica
I write in connection with your request for information which was received
on 15^th January 2018.  Please find below the response to your request:
REPLY: Please see the attached tables.
Data for domestic abuse marked crimes and crimed incidents has been
extracted. A crimed incident is an incident which does not meet the
threshold to be recorded as a crime but is captured for the purposes of
building an intelligence picture.  Where the request asks for incidents,
the number of crimes and crimed incidents (or non crimes) has been
provided which combined equate to the total number of incidents.  Please
note that what has been requested for at  Q4 is the same as Q8.
Due to the size of the tables provided you will need to print them off to
view the pages correctly alongside each other
1) How many people were arrested for alleged domestic violence in the
following months of 2017: October, November, December – in Worcester?
REPLY: The number of arrests where the nominal was brought to Worcester
custody suite has been provided – this means that the arrests are not
exclusive to those made in Worcester city but, could include arrests made
in South Worcestershire area and even in local policing areas outside
2) Total number of calls for assistance to West Mercia Police related to
women or children being domestically abused in Worcester over the period
24th December 2017 – 28th December 2017?
REPLY: The total number of incidents (crimes and crimed incidents (or
noncrimes) have been provided – The figures have been broken down by the
victim gender.  Please note that in some instances the gender has not been
recorded.  In others e.g. the crimed incidents (noncrimes), the victims
have been recorded as involved party and not actually as a victim. 
Involved party is a new role type in the new force recording system -
Athena, and is typically applied to low level domestic abuse where fault
cannot be determined and means that multiple parties including children
residing at an address are all recorded under the same role type.  It is
impossible in this instance to identify the principle victim and thus
gender/age.  The age group has been additionally included.
3) The total number of registered crimes related to domestic abuse (male
to female) over the following months of 2017: November, December – in
REPLY: The force is only able to provide the nature of the abuse (i.e.
gender to gender) where a principle victim and suspect/accused have been
identified. the force cannot clearly identify the relationship of the
abuser and victim in instances where no victim/suspect role can easily be
identified and low level DA incidents where involved party role is applied
and covers multiple persons for an offence, DVDS applications and where
there are breaches of restraining orders etc and the victim is regina rex
- additionally where information has not been recorded.
4) Statistics for domestic violence in Worcester (i.e. male to female,
parent to child) over 1st January 2017 – 31st December 2017.
REPLY: The force is unable to easily identify the relationship of the
abuser and the victim – the force does make use of a partner on partner
marker which has been used to illustrate this aspect of domestic abuse. 
The force cannot identify parent/child dynamic to the abuse.  All other
domestic abuse as non partner to partner marked DA has been grouped. 
Please note though that since the force switched to a new crime recording
system the use of the partner to partner marker is not as reliable as once
was – this can be seen in the figures.  The total number of DA is okay
5) The number of people who accepted to receive help after being
domestically abused over 1st January 2017 – 31st December 2017 – in
REPLY: Please be advised that this information is not held in a
retrievable format. It is not held centrally or in an electronically
retrievable format. It would require a manual review of every offence case
to try and retrieve the information for this part of the request, and this
would exceed the time/fees limit to which we are legally required to
respond i.e. the cost of locating and retrieving the information exceeds
the ‘appropriate level’ as stated in the Freedom of Information (Fees and
Appropriate Limit) Regulations 2004.
6) Total number of sexual crimes/incidents in Worcester over 1st December
2017 – 31st December 2017.
REPLY: Figures include all domestic abuse where the primary offence was
either rape or sexual assault.
7) Statistics for domestic violence related crimes/incidents in Worcester
for 31st December 2017 – 1st January 2018.
REPLY: Please see the attached tables
8) Statistics regarding the most common type of domestic violence (i.e.
male to female, parent to child) in Worcester over 1st January 2017 – 31st
December 2017.
REPLY: This is the same information provided at Q4
9) Also, compared to previous years, are there any improvements in what is
being done for the victims of domestic violence?
REPLY: Educating and training officers on coercive and controlling
behaviour. Part of College of Policing vulnerability training which is
being delivered to all front line police officers.
Introduction of a daily Domestic abuse multi agency triage process,
whereby nominated cases of domestic abuse cases are discussed in a multi
agency setting with a view to safeguarding the victim / children,
addressing support needs, sharing information and addressing perpetrator
behaviour at the earliest opportunity.
The DRIVE project – a pilot to address perpetrator behaviour
10) Is the number of domestically abused people increasing or decreasing?
REPLY: Please see the attached tables for the number of domestic abuse
crimes and crimed incidents (noncrimes) recorded between 1^st Jan 2013 and
31^st Dec 2017 for West Mercia police force and for Worcester city.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided by our
SSI Department and our PVP Department is as accurate as possible
Your attention is drawn to the below which details your right of
Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please write
or telephone the Information Compliance Unit quoting the reference number
Yours sincerely
Mrs R Williams
Information Compliance Unit
Warwickshire Police & West Mercia Police
PO Box 55
01905 331545 / 331565
West Mercia Police in complying with their statutory duty under sections 1
and 11 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to release the enclosed
information will not breach the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
However, the rights of the copyright owner of the enclosed information
will continue to be protected by law. Applications for the copyright
owner’s written permission to reproduce any part of the attached
information should be addressed to The Force Solicitor, West Mercia Police
Headquarters, PO Box 55, Hindlip, Worcester, WR3 8SP.
Are you unhappy with how your request has been handled or do you think the
decision is incorrect?
You have the right to require West Mercia Police (WMP) to review their
Prior to lodging a formal complaint you are welcome and encouraged to
discuss the decision with the person that dealt with your request.
Ask to have the decision looked at again -
The quickest and easiest way to have the decision looked at again is to
contact the person named at the end of your decision letter.
That person will be able to discuss the decision, explain any issues and
assist with any problems.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision of
WMP made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) regarding
access to information, you can lodge a complaint with WMP to have the
decision reviewed. WMP must be notified of your intention to complain
within 20 working days of the date of its response to your Freedom of
Information request. Complaints should be made in writing and addressed
West Mercia Police Headquarters
Information Compliance Unit
Hindlip Hall
PO Box 55
Email:  [West Mercia Police request email]
In all possible circumstances, WMP will aim to respond to your complaint
within 20 working days.
The Information Commissioner
After lodging a complaint with WMP if you are still dissatisfied with the
decision you may make application to the Information Commissioner for a
decision on whether the request for information has been dealt with in
accordance with the requirements of the Act.
For information on how to make application to the Information Commissioner
please visit their website at [1] Alternatively, phone
or write to:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Phone: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545745 if you prefer to use a
national rate number
Fax:    01625 524 510

[2]Putting Victims FirstPutting Victims First
Warwickshire Police and West Mercia Police are committed to providing the
best possible service to our communities and putting victims at the heart
of everything we do.

For information on services and support given to our victims by us and our
criminal justice partners visit our websites:

Warwickshire Police: [3]
West Mercia Police: [4]


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