Dog DNA Testing

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Flintshire County Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Sirs,

I have read the following article:

Please advise me what is the total estimated cost of investigating and initially implementing such a scheme and the annual cost of maintaining the scheme?

Please also confirm whether the Council have carried out a proper Cost and Benefit analysis of the proposal?

Yours faithfully,

Michael W. Edwards

Flintshire County Council

Dear Mr Edwards

Thank you for your request for information which is acknowledged.

As the Environment Information Regulations are relevant to your request it
has been forwarded to Planning & Environment.

If you send any further correspondence about this request, please include
the reference number and either e.mail it to [Flintshire Council request email], or
post it to Freedom of Information, Flintshire County Council, Legal and
Democratic Services, County Hall, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 6NA.

Yours sincerely
FOI Contact Officer


Opinions advice, conclusions and other information in this

message that do not relate to the official business of

Flintshire County Council shall be understood as neither

given nor endorsed by it or on its behalf, and consequently

Flintshire County Council shall bear no respon! sibility

whatsoever in respect thereof.

Deellir na fydd unrhyw safbwyntiau, na chynghorion, na

chasgliadau nac unrhyw wybodaeth arall yn y neges hon,

nad ydynt yn berthnasol i waith swyddogol

Cyngor Sir y Fflint, yn cael eu cynnig na'u cadarnhau ganddo

nac ar ei ran, ac felly ni fydd Cyngor Sir y Fflint yn derbyn

unrhyw gyfrifoldeb am y rhannau hynny o'r neges.

******************************************! ****************************

Flintshire County Council

I am out of the office until 24/09/2015.

Note: This is an automated response to your message "Freedom of
Information request - Dog DNA Testing" sent on 17/9/15 9:22:56.

This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.

Opinions advice, conclusions and other information in this
message that do not relate to the official business of
Flintshire County Council shall be understood as neither
given nor endorsed by it or on its behalf, and consequently
Flintshire County Council shall bear no responsibility
whatsoever in respect thereof.
Deellir na fydd unrhyw safbwyntiau, na chynghorion, na
chasgliadau nac unrhyw wybodaeth arall yn y neges hon,
nad ydynt yn berthnasol i waith swyddogol
Cyngor Sir y Fflint, yn cael eu cynnig na'u cadarnhau ganddo
nac ar ei ran, ac felly ni fydd Cyngor Sir y Fflint yn derbyn
unrhyw gyfrifoldeb am y rhannau hynny o'r neges.

Flintshire County Council

Mr Michael Edwards Eich Cyf/Your Ref
Ein Cyf/Our Ref R010804
Dyddiad/Date 17/09/2015
Gofynner am/Ask for Lesley Matischok
Rhif Union/Direct Dial 01352 703448

Dear Mr Edwards

I write in relation to your request for information where you have asked
for the following:

DNA database bid to combat dog mess in Flintshire

Please advise me what is the total estimated cost of investigating and
initially implementing such a scheme and the annual cost of maintaining
the scheme?

* Information not held.  

This is still at the very early planning / feasibility stage, we do not
have any information relating to costs of investigation / implementation
of anything relating to cost benefit analysis if the scheme were ever
Yours sincerely

Lesley Matischok


This procedure is exclusively for dealing with complaints in relation to
the operation of the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) within
Flintshire County Council (Council).

This procedure applies to any person who considers that their request has
not been properly handled or who is otherwise dissatisfied with the
outcome of the consideration of their request made under the EIR

Before making a complaint you are encouraged to contact the officer
dealing with your request in case there has been any misunderstanding or
oversight which can quickly be rectified.

The stages of the complaints procedure:-

Any complaint should be made in writing addressed to the EIR complaints
officer, Democratic Services, County Hall, Mold or by e-mail to
[email address] giving full details of your complaint.  It must be
made within 40 working days of the alleged failure to comply with the EIR.

Your complaint will be referred to a complaints officer to investigate and
carry out an internal review of the original response to your request.
 This person will not have made the original decision on your request and
will be a senior officer of the Council.

The first task of the complaints officer having read your complaint is to
send you a written acknowledgement with a target date for a decision on
it.  If the review has not been completed by the target date, at that time
you will be written to explaining the reasons for this and giving a
revised target date.  The complaint will be dealt with as quickly as it
can be and in any event within 40 working days of when the complaint was

Following a thorough internal review you will receive a written response
to your complaint which will advise you of your right to appeal to the
Information Commissioner if you remain dissatisfied.  The Information
Commissioner’s office is at: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire SK9 5AF.

The intention of this complaints procedure is to provide an internal
review process that is fair, impartial, clear and simple and carried out


Opinions advice, conclusions and other information in this

message that do not relate to the official business of

Flintshire County Council shall be understood as neither

given nor endorsed by it or on its behalf, and consequently

Flintshire County Council shall bear no responsibility

whatsoever in respect thereof.

Deellir na fydd unrhyw safbwyntiau, na chynghorion, na

chasgliadau nac unrhyw wybodaeth arall yn y neges hon,

nad ydynt yn berthnasol i waith swyddogol

Cyngor Sir y Fflint, yn cael eu cynnig na'u cadarnhau ganddo

nac ar ei ran, ac felly ni fydd Cyngor Sir y Fflint yn derbyn

unrhyw gyfrifoldeb am y rhannau hynny o'r neges.
