We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are gavin roberts please sign in and let everyone know.

Documents that should have been released.

gavin roberts made this Freedom of Information request to Ministry of Defence Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

We're waiting for gavin roberts to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

In 2013 the government reduced the 30 year rule to 20 years to promote openess, honesty & transparency. You then between the years of 2016- 2018 reclassified the Gulf War Classifieds.

Quesrion 1
-Does openess, honesty and transparency not apply to mod?

Question 2
In the documents classified up to a further 37 years. The reason displayed for this is National Security.

There is no reason displayed on the documents classified for a further 75 years? Please release them immediately in line with openess, honesty and transparency 20 year rule.


Best Regards

Gavin Roberts
Gulf Veterans & families of fallen

DBS KI-RR FOI (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Roberts,


Please find attached our clarification response to your recent FOI


Kind regards,


Defence Business Services Records Review – FOI Team




When I saw the list online in 2021 , there were at least 4 documents extended to up to a further 37 years and 2 documents up to a further 75 years., from between the years 2016-2018. Which would mean the release dates have been extended to approximately 2055 & 2093. So over 100 years later post Gulf War 91. This is not protecting National security or international relations it is protecting themselves from the truth from experimenting on our troops and using them as guinea pigs which has allowed Jack Melling Head of vaccine developement at Porton Down to get vaccines to market using a new adjuvented system based on squalene. He caused Gulf War illnesses on our troops, over dosing their immune systems testing his dosage levels. Causing injury & early deaths in our troops. We take it that you will start the police investigation now? Inline with MOD protocol. Criminal activity as Porton Down was under complete control of MOD in 1991. Your employee. The damage Melling has caused, makes Harold Shipman look like a Saint. Cover up this and you are all complicit to perverting the course of justice of deaths & injuries to our own troops.

Oh yes the that is the document I was talking about, but you have more important things to be dealing with now.

Yours sincerely,

gavin roberts


In addition to the above information.

A new request for information. Has your former employee Jack Melling been reported for the crimes he has committed against our Gulf War troops. In short do current MOD wish to be complicit to the cover up of former employee Jack Melling crimes now they are in full knowledge?

It is important that we keep things documented to keep clear any discrepancies in the future. This protects the innocent and only holds those willing to be complicit to account.

Please let us know if action has now been taken to remain in complicit to Melling Crimes.


Please allow yourselves 20 days if you require that long to think about if you should report the matter or not .

Failing to act as public officers does hold the crime of Misconduct in public office. Which is very serious and a Judge can sentence uo to a maximum in life Imprisonment. So those know what they are facing if they choose to continue to defend Melling.

Best Regards,

gavin roberts

DBS KI-RR FOI (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Roberts,


Please find attached our response to your recent FOI request.


Kind regards,


Defence Business Services Records Review – FOI Team



Thankyou for your reply. Senior Civil servants are NOT privileged to data protection. Block any other names and release the document please, or instruct an internal review.

Have you reported your former MOD employee Jack Melling to the police? MOD are protecting criminals. We are going to the media with this.

Best Regards

Gavin Roberts
Justice 4 Veterans

People-Sec-FOI Mailbox (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    FOI2023 10805 Named Persons crimes against Gulf War Troops Gavin Roberts.pdf

    123K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Roberts,


Please find enclosed a response from the Ministry of Defence to your FOIA




Defence People Secretariat

CIO-FOI-IR (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

Dear Mr Roberts,

Thank you for your email dated 13 September 2023, requesting an internal review for FOI2023/10496 (received 31 August 2023).

The Department's target for completing internal reviews is 20 working days. While we are working hard to achieve this, in the interests of providing you with a more realistic indication of when you should expect a response, we should advise that the majority are currently taking between 20 and 40 working days to complete. We therefore aim to complete the review and respond to you by 8 November 2023

The internal review will involve a full, independent reconsideration of the handling of the Request for Information under the Freedom of Information Act as well as the final decision, in particular the withholding of information under section 40(2) of the Act. Our review will NOT consider your query in relation to Jack Melling.

Yours sincerely,

MOD Information Rights Compliance Team

Dear Ministry of Defence,

This conversation is in full view in front of the publics eyes,

Ignore your own employee Jack Melling past criminal activity at your own peril.

Life is full of choices. The vast majority act with integrity during it. Only a few do not. It is your choice. It is on public record several times now. There can be no discrepancies that MOD were nothing less than in full knowledge of Jack Melling actions.

Not acting is 'Covering Up' Mellings criminal activity in full knowledge. Which is a crime itself. Perverting the course of justice. The damage Melling has caused 'To our own Troops' makes Harold Shipman look like ' Mother Teresa'

Failing to act also constitutes Misconduct in Public Office for individuals funded by the taxpayer that have failed to act. This crime is punishable with imprisonment up to life.

The Reason for this Law is in order that the Country is not run like a Banana Republic.

We're just about to find out . Good Luck with it.

Your Sincerely

Gavin Roberts,

Veterans & families

CIO-FOI-IR (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Roberts,


Please find attached a response to your request for internal review.


Yours sincerely,


MOD Information Rights Compliance Team

dbski-rrfoi@mod.gov.uk, Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Gavin Roberts,

In accordance with the attached letter, the date that the response is due
for your request, 17 November 2023, has been changed to 15 December 2023

Kind Regards

Defence Business Services Records Review - FOI Team

Dear [email address],

Thankyou for your email & update.

I would like to add the effect to thousands of veterans and their families Mental Health if information is withheld. When weighing things up. Dependant on the information possibilities of Veterans physical health further unnecessary suffering. Information normally leads to better understandings.

In the 'Best Interest of Veterans' especially following a week of rememberance. Freedoms fought for. Then stop the freedom of information as it may hurt someone's feelings, rather than disclose to very guys that put their lives on the line would be a whole new level to stoop to. Senior Civil servants just like our troops know what they are signing up for and are rewarded hansomely to do so. Veterans health must take priority.

Yours sincerely,

gavin roberts

dbski-rrfoi@mod.gov.uk, Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Roberts,

In accordance with the attached letter, the date that the response is due
for your request, FOI2023/10496, has been changed to 17 January 2024.

Kind Regards,

Defence Business Services Records Review - FOI Team

dbski-rrfoi@mod.gov.uk, Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Roberts,

In accordance with the attached letter, the date that the response is due
for your request, FOI2023/10496, has been changed to 14 February.

Kind Regards,

Defence Business Services Records Review - FOI Team

Dear [email address],

Thankyou for your email. Unfortunately these continued extensions are not good enough & are breaking the Law. If all the information is not released within 48 hours (Fri 19th Jan) midday, then please instruct a further fast tracked internal review on yourselves.

I would like to point out also the Hillsborough Charter, that the government in the last montj instructed ALL its Depts to work in line with. Particularly No2 & No4.

It might be of interest that the company that produced the Sub PostMasters series is liasing with our group in reference to this Gulf War Scandal & Cover Up. Please do not make yourselves famous for the wrong reasons.

Best Regards,

Gavin Roberts on behalf of
Veterans plus Widows & Children of our Fallen.


Yours sincerely,

gavin roberts

Dear [email address],

Please instruct a further internal review. This is ridiculous. This review should be fast tracked, as all the time limits have been used up. You are breaking the Law time & time again. This information is for the benefit of a certain group of people that were prepared to put their lives on the line to protect All our freedoms. Our Veterans. It is a national scandal that these freedoms are breached over & over against the very people prepared to die for them.

We expect all the information requested to be forwarded within 24 hours.


gavin roberts

dbski-rrfoi@mod.gov.uk, Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Roberts,

In accordance with the attached letter, the date that the response is due
for your request, FOI2023/10496, has been changed to 13 March.

Kind Regards,

Defence Business Services Record Review - FOI Team

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Ministry of Defence's handling of my FOI request 'Documents that should have been released.'.

The documents are well over due. This is breaching the freedom of information Law. Extension after extension is not only abusing the process, it is committing a crime, preventing the flow of information, thus hiding it.

This now requires police involvement to bring those responsible behind the scenes to Justice.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/d...


gavin roberts

DBS KI-RR FOI (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Roberts,


Please find attached our response to your recent FOI request.


Kind regards,


Defence Business Services Records Review - FOI Team





We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are gavin roberts please sign in and let everyone know.