We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are max wallis please sign in and let everyone know.

Documents relating to permitting Hinkley Point-C discharges to the Severn Estuary SAC and MPA re. the cooling water system, with the return of dead and living fish/biota to the Estuary

We're waiting for max wallis to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Natural Resources Body for Wales,
We are aware of your response to the EA in England over the proposal to vary the operational Water Discharge Activity (WDA) permit for the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station, EPR/HP3228XT/V005. This says you were first consulted by the EA on 12 January 2023.
The EA consultation relates to your role of joint responsibility for the Severn Estuary SAC, MPA etc. conservation designations and its management plan. The FRR proposal involved the application to dump waste material into the marine conservation area, so could have involved your waste responsibilities.
Would you please supply copies of relevant reports and correspondence with the EA and any with Welsh bodies including ASERA and the Severn Estuary project at Cardiff University? Please detail which specialists within NRW have been involved.
In respect of designated features of fish species and the assemblage, including EPS (sea and river lamprey), you may have liaised with the WGov't Fisheries section; please supply records of meetings, e-mails and phone conversations with them. You and they also have overlapping interests for the impact on the Severn eels.
Yours sincerely,
Max Wallis
pp. Barry&Vale Friends of the Earth

Access to Information Team,

Diolch ichi am eich cais am wybodaeth. Pwrpas yr e-bost hwn yw cydnabod
ein bod wedi derbyn eich ebost.

Bydd y Tîm Mynediad at Wybodaeth yn ymateb i'ch cais cyn gynted ag y bo
modd, a dim hwyrach nag 20 diwrnod gwaith ar ôl derbyn eich cais.

Croesewir gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg a byddwn yn ymateb yn Gymraeg, heb i hynny
arwain at oedi.


Thank you for your request for information, this email is to acknowledge
that we have received your email.

The Access to Information Team will respond to your request as soon as
possible and no later than 20 working days from when we received your

Correspondence in Welsh is welcomed and we will respond in Welsh without
it leading to a delay.


Access to Information Team,

2 Attachments

Dear Max Wallis,

Thank you for your recent request for information.

This request has been allocated Access to Information Request Number

Natural Resources Wales will respond to your request for information in
line with the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004.

We will respond to your request as soon as possible and no later than 20
working days from when we received your request. We will contact you as
soon as possible should we need to clarify your request. Any information
that takes less than 2 ½ days to compile will be free. If it takes longer
than this we will consult you before taking further action.

We will be retaining your personal details along with your request in a
database for the purpose of recording progress and monitoring our

Any Information disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) or
Environmental Information Regulations (2004) will be listed in the Natural
Resources Wales disclosure log on our web site.

We will only use this personal data in accordance with the General Data
Protection Regulation to deal with your request and any matters that arise
from it.

If you have any further queries or concerns, please contact
[1][email address]. See our [2]Privacy Policy
which describes how we collect use and share your information,

If you have any further queries or concerns, please contact us on the
details below. I would be grateful if you would use the ATI Request number
in all future correspondence.

Kind regards,


Liann Parker

Swyddog Cwynion a Mynediad at Wybodaeth / Complaints and Access to
Information Officer   

Cyswllt Cyfoeth / Customer Hub

Cwsmeriaid, Cyfathrebu a Masnach / Customer, Communications and Commercial


[3]Logo Siarad Cymraeg / Speak Welsh Logo


Croesewir gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg a byddwn yn ymateb yn Gymraeg, heb i hynny
arwain at oedi.  

Correspondence in Welsh is welcomed, and we will respond in Welsh without
it leading to a delay.





Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. https://naturalresources.wales/footer-li...
4. https://cyfoethnaturiol.cymru/

Access to Information Team,

5 Attachments

Dear Max Wallis,


Please find attached our response to your request.


Kind regards



Liann Parker

Swyddog Cwynion a Mynediad at Wybodaeth / Complaints and Access to
Information Officer   

Cyswllt Cyfoeth / Customer Hub

Cwsmeriaid, Cyfathrebu a Masnach / Customer, Communications and Commercial


[1]Logo Siarad Cymraeg / Speak Welsh Logo


Croesewir gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg a byddwn yn ymateb yn Gymraeg, heb i hynny
arwain at oedi.  

Correspondence in Welsh is welcomed, and we will respond in Welsh without
it leading to a delay.





Visible links
2. https://cyfoethnaturiol.cymru/

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are max wallis please sign in and let everyone know.