Documents Relating to Film 'Guardians of the Galaxy'
Dear Royal Navy,
In 2013, the Royal Navy worked with Infinity Works Productions UK on the film 'Guardians of the Galaxy'. Please provide all documents relating to and/or detailing the production assistance given by the Royal Navy to Infinity Works Productions UK on the film 'Guardians of the Galaxy'.
Yours faithfully,
Tarik Ata
Dear Mr Ata,
Your request has been logged under our reference FOI2023/11956 and the
target date for response is 1 November 2023.
Yours sincerely,
Navy Command Secretariat- FOI Section
Dear Mr Ata,
Please find attached our response to your recent enquiry.
Navy Command Secretariat- FOI Section
Dear [email address],
That is not true. Within the request, FOI2023/05659, a table is provided that also includes contract numbers detailing the assistance the Royal Navy gave to NNMPs, including to the film "Guardians of the Galaxy". I want access to the contract FLEET/WM/440/13.
Yours sincerely,
Tarik Ata
Dear Mr Ata,
Thank you for your email.
Whilst we still hold a record of the contract number, we no longer hold
any further information of the assistance provided, copies of the
contract, or any other additional information in regards to this project.
This is due to seven years having passed between the event and the present
day; seven years is the set MOD retention period for information of this
kind, after which the information is destroyed in accordance with the MOD
retention policy.
Navy Command Secretariat - FOI Section
From: tarik <[FOI #1035006 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 01:21 PM
To: Navy StratPol-SEC FOI (MULTIUSER) <[email address]>
Subject: Re: A response to your recent enquiry - Ref: FOI2023/11956
Dear [email address],
That is not true. Within the request, FOI2023/05659, a table is provided
that also includes contract numbers detailing the assistance the Royal
Navy gave to NNMPs, including to the film "Guardians of the Galaxy". I
want access to the contract FLEET/WM/440/13.
Yours sincerely,
Tarik Ata
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