Documents relating to 31 August 2011 lease to Cotham School of playing fields at Stoke Lodge, BS9

The request was successful.

Dear Bristol City Council,

Please disclose all documents, drafts and correspondence relating to negotiation of the lease dated 31 August 2011 of playing fields at Stoke Lodge to Cotham School; specifically any discussion or negotiations relating to clause 2.1 of the lease and the intended meaning in that clause of the phrase 'subject also to all existing rights and use of the Property including use by the community' - please include the template on which the lease was based and later drafts/accompanying notes or correspondence between the Council and the school.

Yours faithfully,
Helen Powell

Freedom of Information, Bristol City Council

Thank you for your request for information. Next time why not speed things
up and use our new web service to make your request? It's here at


If your email is a Freedom Of Information request you should expect to
receive a response within the 20 working day limit.


If your email is a request for an internal review you should receive a
response within the 20 - 40 working day limit.



On Behalf of

The Freedom Of Information team


Visible links

No Reply @ Bristol, Bristol City Council

Dear Helen Powell 
This is a courtesy email to let you know your Public Information
Request has been received on : 30/07/2018. 
Your unique reference number is "CRN00180060 ". Please keep this
number safe, as you may be required to provide it in the future. 
If you need to add further information concerning your case or
require an update about your response date, please email
[email address
Customer Relations Team

Dear Bristol City Council,
Please can you update me as to the expected response date for my request reference CRN00180060 (due 28 August 2018)?
Many thanks.
Yours faithfully,

Helen Powell

Dear Bristol City Council,

Please can you update me this week as to the expected response date for my request reference CRN00180060 (due 28 August 2018)?

By law, public authorities must respond 'promptly' to requests and in any event within 20 working days, so I had expected to receive the requested information before now, and have also not had a reply to my follow-up message from last week.

Many thanks.
Kind regards
Helen Powell

No Reply @ Bristol, Bristol City Council

Dear Helen Powell,

Thank you for taking the time to contact us.

We are sorry to hear that you have not received a response to the FOI request you submitted on 30/07/2018.

Due to the complexity and volume of the information required, we will need to extend the deadline in which you will receive your response by 20 working days.

We anticipate that your new target date will be 27/09/18, and apologise for the delay in this information being sent.

Kind regards

Customer Relations

"No Reply @ Bristol" <>, Bristol City Council

6 Attachments

  • Attachment

    Cotham Email 18 7 11 08 13 pdf.html

    0K Download

  • Attachment

    Cotham Tom Me 12 8 11 pdf.html

    0K Download

  • Attachment

    Cotham Phil Email 1 8 11 pdf.html

    0K Download

  • Attachment

    Cotham School main site lease v 5 PL amends doc.html

    0K Download

  • Attachment

    Cotham School main site lease v 6 Clean version doc.html

    0K Download

  • Attachment

    Stoke Lodge Playing Fields correspondence pdf.html

    0K Download

You sent us a Freedom of Information request on 30/07/2018

Your request number is CRN00180060

Our reply to your request is:  

Thank you for your request for information, which we have treated as
a request for environmental information under the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004 (EIR).

The information requested is attached. The Council has identified
that some of the information requested constitutes the personal data
of third parties, which has been redacted in accordance with the
exception provided by regulation 13 EIR.

This response should answer your request in full.

If you’re not satisfied with our response, or if you want to appeal
against any exemptions:

Email: [1][Bristol City Council request email]
Write to: Customer Relations (100TS), PO Box 3176, Bristol, BS3 9FS

If you’re still not satisfied with our response:

You can complain to the Information Commissioner. 
Find out how to do this on the Information Commissioner Office
 (link to [2]


You do not own the copyright to any of the information we give you.
Copyright may be owned by the council or by a third party.

You are not allowed to:

·         make a copy of the information

·         use the information commercially

If you want to copy or use the information in any way you should ask
us for permission in writing first. We can’t give permission if it is
from a third party.


Kind regards

Bristol City Council


Visible links
1. mailto:[Bristol City Council request email]

Dear Bristol City Council,

Thank you for your response to this request. The documents appear to have gone offline - when the links are clicked, there is a 'Salesforce' message saying 'Please contact the email sender to view this attachment.'

Please could you investigate why the documents are unavailable and make them accessible again?

Many thanks.
Yours faithfully,

Helen Powell

Complaints and Feedback, Bristol City Council

6 Attachments

Good Morning

Please find attached your requested documents.

Kind Regards

Customer Relations Team

show quoted sections

Dear Complaints and Feedback,

Many thanks for dealing with this so speedily.

Yours sincerely,

Helen Powell

Dear Bristol City Council,
Two of the documents attached to this FOI response are copies of the lease for the main school site rather than the playing field lease. Is it possible to obtain copies of the final amended draft and execution versions of the Stoke Lodge Playing Fields lease please? These would have accompanied emails on 16 August 2011 and a letter dated 1 September 2011 according to the disclosed correspondence.
Many thanks
Yours faithfully,

Helen Powell

No Reply @ Bristol, Bristol City Council

Dear Helen Powell 
This is a courtesy email to let you know your Public Information
Request has been received on : 09/01/2019. 
Your unique reference number is "CRN00207064 ". Please keep this
number safe, as you may be required to provide it in the future. 
If you need to add further information concerning your case or
require an update about your response date, please email
[email address
Customer Relations Team

"No Reply @ Bristol" <>, Bristol City Council

Dear Helen Powell
Thank you for submitting your Public Information Request dated 09/01/2019. Your unique reference for this case is CRN00207064 , please use should you need to get in touch with us in the future. 
The details of the case raised are as follows

Dear Bristol City Council,
Two of the documents attached to this FOI response are copies of the lease for the main school site rather than the playing field lease. Is it possible to obtain copies of the final amended draft and execution versions of the Stoke Lodge Playing Fields lease please? These would have accompanied emails on 16 August 2011 and a letter dated 1 September 2011 according to the disclosed correspondence.
Many thanks
Yours faithfully,

Helen Powell

You should receive a formal response on or before 06/02/2019 09:53
If you have not heard anything by this date then please contact [1][email address] quoting CRN00207064 and we will look into the matter for you. 
Yours sincerely
Customer Relations Team

Privacy statement


Information about how Bristol City Council uses, stores and processes personal data, can be found on



For the purposes of this scheme, Bristol City Council will only be collecting, storing and processing business and organisational data, and will only be sharing this non-personal data  with organisations / charities as agreed. 


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

"Customer Relations Team" <>, Bristol City Council

2 Attachments

You sent us a Freedom of Information request on 09/01/2019

Your request number is CRN00207064

Our reply to your request is:  

Please find attached copy documents as requested.

This response should answer your request in full.

If you’re not satisfied with our response, or if you want to appeal
against any exemptions:

Email: [1][Bristol City Council request email]
Write to: Customer Relations (100TS), PO Box 3176, Bristol, BS3 9FS

If you’re still not satisfied with our response:

You can complain to the Information Commissioner. 
Find out how to do this on the Information Commissioner Office
 (link to [2]


You do not own the copyright to any of the information we give you.
Copyright may be owned by the council or by a third party.

You are not allowed to:

·         make a copy of the information

·         use the information commercially

If you want to copy or use the information in any way you should ask
us for permission in writing first. We can’t give permission if it is
from a third party.


Kind regards

Bristol City Council

Privacy statement


Information about how Bristol City Council uses, stores and processes
personal data, can be found on


For the purposes of this scheme, Bristol City Council will only be
collecting, storing and processing business and organisational data,
and will only be sharing this non-personal data  with organisations /
charities as agreed.


Visible links
1. mailto:[Bristol City Council request email]

"Customer Relations Team" <>, Bristol City Council

2 Attachments

You sent us a Freedom of Information request on 09/01/2019

Your request number is CRN00207064

Our reply to your request is:  

Please find attached copy documents as requested.

This response should answer your request in full.

If you’re not satisfied with our response, or if you want to appeal
against any exemptions:

Email: [1][Bristol City Council request email]
Write to: Customer Relations (100TS), PO Box 3176, Bristol, BS3 9FS

If you’re still not satisfied with our response:

You can complain to the Information Commissioner. 
Find out how to do this on the Information Commissioner Office
 (link to [2]


You do not own the copyright to any of the information we give you.
Copyright may be owned by the council or by a third party.

You are not allowed to:

·         make a copy of the information

·         use the information commercially

If you want to copy or use the information in any way you should ask
us for permission in writing first. We can’t give permission if it is
from a third party.


Kind regards

Bristol City Council

Privacy statement


Information about how Bristol City Council uses, stores and processes
personal data, can be found on


For the purposes of this scheme, Bristol City Council will only be
collecting, storing and processing business and organisational data,
and will only be sharing this non-personal data  with organisations /
charities as agreed.


Visible links
1. mailto:[Bristol City Council request email]