Document used in SAR report on tenant suicide 2017

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Homes for Haringey should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Peoples Information Center

Dear Homes for Haringey,

I write in reference to this report:

Please could you provide copies of:

1. The emails received from the tenant's sister to the Tenancy Management Officer on 19 December, dated as 21 December (report pages 12-13), 16 January (report pages 14-15).

2. TMO email response on 4 January to tenant's sister (report page 14).

The following are referred to and appear in the footnotes in section 2 of the above report:

3. Police IMR

4. HfH IMR

5. Note from GP



8. Key Support IMR

In the event that complying with this request would exceed the appropriate
cost limit, please limit this request to the number of question(s) which
together (if more than one) would not exceed the cost limit, when
processed in the order presented above. So, for example, if processing the
three first questions would exceed the cost limit but only processing
questions 1 and 2 would remain within the limit, you would limit this
request to questions 1 and 2.

Yours faithfully,

Antony Steig
Peoples Information Center

ComplaintsHFH, Homes for Haringey

1 Attachment

Dear Antony Steig,


Freedom of Information Request: Reference LBH/7238218


I acknowledge your request for information received on 03 April 2018. This
information request will be dealt with in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and we will send the response by 01 May 2018.


If you have any questions regarding your Freedom of Information Request,
please contact the Feedback Team either by emailing us at
[1]mailto:[email address] or calling us on 0208 489 5611
(option 8).


Yours sincerely,



Nirmla Chumber I Feedback Officer

Homes for Haringey

Broadwater Farm Community Centre I London I N17 6HE

Tel: 0208 489 5611 (opt 8)

E:[email address]


[2]Save time graphic



show quoted sections

South Jasper, Homes for Haringey

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Steig,


Freedom of Information Request, our reference:  LBH/7238218


Thank you for your request for information dated 1 April 2018 in which you
asked for details:


1. The emails received from the tenant's sister to the Tenancy Management
Officer on 19 December, dated as 21 December (report pages 12-13),  16
January (report pages 14-15).


2. TMO email response on 4 January to tenant's sister (report page 14).


The following are referred to and appear in the footnotes in section 2 of
the above report:


3. Police IMR


4. HfH IMR


5. Note from GP






8. Key Support IMR


We have considered your request and our response is as follows.


1. The emails received from the tenant's sister to the Tenancy Management
Officer on 19 December, dated as 21 December (report pages 12-13),  16
January (report pages 14-15).

The SAR report, which is published at
quotes the content of these emails. There is no further information in the
emails than is quoted in the report, other than personal information such
as names and contact details. Therefore we consider this information is
exempt from the Freedom of Information Act under Section 21 of that Act as
it is already reasonably accessible. The personal information is exempt
under section 40(2) of the Act as disclosure would be a breach of data
protection and unfair to the individual concerned.


2. TMO email response on 4 January to tenant's sister (report page 14).

This email is not directly quoted in the report, however a description of
what the email said is present on page 14. There is no further substantive
information contained in the email. Therefore we consider this information
is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act under Section 21 of that
Act as it is already reasonably accessible. The personal information
contained within the response is exempt under section 40(2) of the Act as
disclosure would be a breach of data protection and unfair to the
individual concerned.


3. Police IMR

From my enquiries, I have established that this document is not in the
possession of Homes for Haringey and therefore cannot be provided.
However, even if Homes for Haringey held the document, they are owned by
Haringey Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB), which would have to make a
decision about the disclosure. HSAB is not a public authority for the
purposes of the Freedom of Information Act and therefore not subject to
its requirements.


4. HfH IMR

The SAR report is published, as set out above. This report contains in
full the internal review, recommendations and actions taken. We consider
this information is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act under
Section 21) of that Act as the information is already reasonably


5. Note from GP



8. Key Support IMR

From my enquiries, I have established that these documents are not in the
possession of Homes for Haringey and therefore cannot be provided.
However, even if Homes for Haringey held these documents, they are owned
by HSAB, which would have to make a decision about the disclosure. HSAB is
not a public authority for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act
and therefore not subject to its requirements.


 If you are unhappy with how we have responded to your request you can ask
us to conduct an Internal Review. If so, please contact the Feedback and
Information Team as below. (Please note you should do this within two
months of receiving this response.)   


Feedback and Information Team

5^th Floor, Alexandra House

10 Station Road


N22 7TR

E [2][email address]


You may also complain to the Information Commissioner’s office, who may be
able to help you.  However they would normally expect the local authority
to have undertaken a complaint investigation or Internal Review of the
request before they will accept the referral. 


You can contact the Commissioner at:


Information Commissioner

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




E [3][email address]

W [4]



Yours sincerely



Jasper South

Head of Tenancy Services


Homes for Haringey



::  [7][email address]

P Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this




show quoted sections

Peoples Information Center

Dear Homes for Haringey,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Homes for Haringey's handling of my FOI request 'Document used in SAR report on tenant suicide 2017'.

The grounds of the internal review are as follows, in relation to each part of the request/response:

1. This is incorrect - the text in the report is only an excerpt from the original email which HfH hold. This should be disclosed.

2. You state that a description of the email is provided in the report and "There is no further substantive
information contained in the email. ". This is irrelevant - HfH holds the information as it received the email, and it should be disclosed.

3. Whether the information is owned by HSAB is irrelevant and in your response you make it clear no proper search for the information has been made. If it held by HfH then it should be disclosed - HSAB has nothing to do with this request.

5 - 8

HfH holds these documents as they were used to compile the report. The fact that they are 'owned' by HSAB is irrelevant and is not an exemption under the FOIA. The information should therefore be disclosed.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Antony Steig
Peoples Information Center

Pietikainen Sirkku,

Dear Mr Steig,


Internal Review regarding Freedom of Information request reference


Thank you for email received on 27 April 2018.


Your request for an Internal Review has been logged with the reference
LBH/7337518. Please quote this reference number on any further


We will now review the response you have been sent to the above request
and I aim to let you know the outcome of our investigation by 29 May 2018.
If I need longer, I will write to let you know the reason and when you can
expect a full reply.


If you have any questions, please let me know. 


Yours sincerely,



Sirkku Pietikäinen

Information Governance Officer

Shared Service Centre | Central Team


Haringey Council

4th Floor River Park House, 225 High Road, London N22 8HQ


T. 020 8489 2552

[1][email address]






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Pietikainen Sirkku,

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Steig,


Please see attached our provisional response to your FOI
complaint/internal review.




Sirkku Pietikäinen

Information Governance Officer

Shared Service Centre | Central Team


Haringey Council

4th Floor River Park House, 225 High Road, London N22 8HQ


T. 020 8489 2552

[1][email address]






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