Document from MOD giving Porton Down the authority to vaccinate troops post 16th August 1990
Dear Ministry of Defence,
Please provide MOD's Official document (letter,fax signal) that authorised Porton Down to carry out the experimental Anthrax,Pertusis and Plague immunisation program on our Gulf War troops (90/91) in response to Porton Down document/fax dated 16th August 1990 displaying the options for MOD. Please do not remove any senior civil servants names, as they are not protected by Data protection. Thankyou
Also please provide an official MOD document that instructed Porton Down post the same fax as above 16/08/1990 that under no circumstances should Porton Down carry out its desire to use this unique opportunity to collect human data from our troops (research). Or words to this effect. Once again please leave the Senior Civil Servants name open.
Kind Regards,
Gavin Roberts
On behalf of sick gulf war veterans/ the families of our deceased that died/are dying far too young.
Dear Mr Roberts,
Please see the attached.
Headquarters Defence Medical Services
Defence Medical Services Whittington
Dear SG SecFin-Sec Gp Mailbox (MULTIUSER),
Thankyou for confirming this information. We didn't think so.
Kind Regards,
gavin roberts
Dear SG SecFin-Sec Gp Mailbox (MULTIUSER),
On 2nd thoughts please instruct an internal review. Orders in preparation for War do not go missing. The signals exists. Please do not become embroiled in the corruption yourselves. It is not a good look to have on the CV.
Best Regards,
gavin roberts
Suffering Veterans & families of deceased from Porton Down/MOD dosage testing on our troops 1991
Dear Mr Roberts,
Thank you for your email of 6 August 2023 requesting an internal review of
FOI2023/02694. Unfortunately, your complaint has exceeded the time limit
as specified in the response, dated 30 March 2023, in which it was stated
that a request for an internal review must be made within 40 working days.
We note, however, that your request under this present reference number is
the same or similar to previous requests, such as the one MOD processed
under FOI2022/07695
which has already been the subject of an internal review by this
Department, dated 22 October 2022:
It is reasonable to assume that had we conducted an internal review in
relation to this present request (FOI2023/02694) that the outcome would
have been similar.
If you remain dissatisfied, you may make a complaint to the Information
Commissioner -
Yours sincerely,
MOD Information Rights Compliance Team
Visible links
It is simply not true that this information does not exist.
You do not subject your own troops (50,000+) to experimental vaccine combinations without very strict authority at the highest level. It is documented/fax/signal and does not put National Security at risk. Therefore cannot be classified. We are not a Banana Republic.
Provide the information.
Or reissue as a new request , then instruct internal review following 20 days.
When our Forces are sent to War. We expect results and not excuses. The least they can expect is a little bit of loyalty and honour from someone within the walls of Whitehall.
Take your time and look in the results files rather than excuses files.
Gavin Roberts
Dear Mr Roberts,
Thank you for your email dated 23 August 2023.
It is within your rights to make a complaint in the processing of your information request to the Information Commissioners Office at
The Department could re-process your request under a new Freedom of Information request reference number.
However, I should advise you that as it would be a repeat request it is likely that you will receive a s14(2) repeat request response as the Departments position will not have changed since your previous request dated 1st March 2023.
It may help if you were to read the section 14(2) ICO guidance
Yours sincerely,
MOD Information Rights Compliance Team
Dear Ministry of Defence,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
It is very trivial
You realise this is in front of the public eyes and media?
MOD behaviour to its veterans.
Please find the solution to produce this information that is on the record as it is impossible to lose this information.
Thanks for not 8nsulting veterans intelligence and more importantly the publics in advance
Kind Regards
Gavin Roberts
Veterans and families of the fallen
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
gavin roberts
Dear Mr Roberts,
Thank you for your email dated 5th September 2023.
Unfortunately, as advised on 9th September your complaint has exceeded the time limit as specified in the response, dated 30 March 2023, in which it was stated that a request for an internal review must be made within 40 working days of receipt of the request.
We note, however, that your request under this present reference number is the same or similar to previous requests, such as the one MOD processed under FOI2022/07695
which has already been the subject of an internal review by this Department, dated 22 October 2022:
It is reasonable to assume that had we conducted an internal review in relation to this present request (FOI2023/02694) that the outcome would have been similar.
If you remain dissatisfied, you may make a complaint to the Information Commissioner -
The Department's position remains the same.
Yours sincerely,
MOD Information Rights Compliance Team
Maybe mitigating circumstances are taken into consideration.
When the person requesting the information is a Gulf War Veteran/pensioner, suffering with conditions. 1 being memory problems caused by vaccines subjected to them in the Gulf War, confirmed by MOD's 2 X Doctor's on medical discharge. Where it states vaccines most likely caused conditions?
I can forward the documents, if required? Although inquest team 2 within GLD are sitting with them already
Please instruct internal review, if there is still a problem
Best Regards,
gavin roberts
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