Doctors working at Llangollen Health Centre
Dear Sir or Madam,
Could you please advise me how many Doctors practice and staff Llangollen Health Centre, i.e. partners and employed general practitioners?
Would you also advise which of these Doctors in fact work full time hours and those who only work part-time together with the actual hours and days per week the latter are available at the Llangollen Health Centre.
Yours faithfully,
Michael Edwards
Dear Mr Edwards
Thank you for your request below. This request is being handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000; please find enclosed our leaflet providing guidance on our procedure for managing requests.
I would like to confirm that your request is being processed and we will write to you shortly. A final decision on your request would normally be sent to you within 20 working days of receipt of your request. This means that you can expect to receive your decision by 4th May 2017.
There are some limited situations under the FOI Act, which could mean that the period for a final decision may be longer than the normal 20 days. If this occurs in your request, we will promptly advise you in writing.
It may also be of help to know that all our FOI responses are published on our Disclosure log and therefore, some of the information you have requested might already be publically available.
Kind regards
Olivia Hardman
Trainee Information Governance Administrator
Gweinyddwr dan Hyfforddiant Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth
Tel: 01978 727689 (1814 7689)
Pob ymholiad / cais i gael ei gofnodi ar y porth Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth:
All queries / requests to be logged on the Information Governance portal:
Os ydych angen cymorth brys ffoniwch 01978 727689 (1814 7689)
If you require urgent assistance please phone 01978 727689 (1814 7689)
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P Arbedwch bapur - peidiwch ag argraffu'r neges hwn onibai ei fod yn hollol angenrheidiol os gwelwch yn dda!
Dear Mr Edwards
Further to your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, please find attached response.
Kind Regards
Jess Thomas
Cydlynydd Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth / Information Governance Co-Ordinator
Betsi Cadwaladr Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol/University Health Board
Tel: 01978 727658 (1814 7658)
Pob ymholiad / cais i gael ei gofnodi ar y porth Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth:
All queries / requests to be logged on the Information Governance portal:
Os ydych angen cymorth brys ffoniwch 01978 727689 (1814 7689)
If you require urgent assistance please phone 01978 727689 (1814 7689)
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P Arbedwch bapur - peidiwch ag argraffu'r neges hwn onibai ei fod yn hollol angenrheidiol os gwelwch yn dda!
Dear Jessica,
Since the Llangollen GP Practice is a contractor to your Health Board you obviously hold the information I requested!
Please comply with your Statutory duty to disclose the information or I will have no alternative than to take the matter up with the Information Commissioner?
Yours sincerely,
Michael W. Edwards FRICS, IRRV(Hons)
Dear Mr Edwards
Many thanks for your email below. As our response states, the Llangollen Health Centre is an independent contractor and we are unable to provide you with a complete and accurate response to your request. You will therefore need to redirect your request to the GP practice for an up to date position. However, we do hold limited information on practice staffing data and following the March 2017 Practice return, it was indicated that they had 7 part-time GP partners (no employed/salaried GPs listed) working between 0.66 WTE and 0.97 WTE.
I hope this clarifies your query below, but to further assist you I have included the contact details for the Information Commissioner Office:
Information Commissioner’s Office - Wales
2nd Floor, Churchill House, Churchill Way, Cardiff, CF10 2HH
Tel: 029 2067 8400
Fax: 029 2067 8399
Many thanks
Kind regards
Gaynor Gould
Information Governance Officer
Betsi Cadwaladr Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol/University Health Board
Tel: 01978 727658 (1814 7658)
Pob ymholiad / cais i gael ei gofnodi ar y porth Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth:
All queries / requests to be logged on the Information Governance portal:
Os ydych angen cymorth brys ffoniwch 01978 727689 (1814 7689)
If you require urgent assistance please phone 01978 727689 (1814 7689)
P Help save paper – do not print this message unless necessary!
P Arbedwch bapur - peidiwch ag argraffu'r neges hwn onibai ei fod yn hollol angenrheidiol os gwelwch yn dda!
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