Doctorate in Clinical Psychology course details
Dear King’s College London,
Please can you publish your selection and shortlisting criteria for the Clinical Doctorate in Psychology based at the IoPPN, providing details of the numbers of students at each stage of the shortlisting process, broken down by gender, age and ethnicity.
In regards to personal statements, please provide details of your marking structure and selection criteria for shortlisting. If this varies by year, then please provide the marking criteria for the 2018 entry intake.
In terms of successful students admitted onto the course, please provide details of how many students admitted onto the course worked at the IoPPN prior to their interview. Please break this down by the number of students per year in comparison to the number of places offered and provide this data for the past 5 years.
Yours faithfully,
L. Maskell
Dear L. Maskell,
Thank you for your email. We will treat your request for information as a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, received by the university on 12 July 2018. We will endeavour to respond to your request within the statutory 20 working day time frame. Please note that the university has adopted the Model Publication Scheme and also publishes FOI responses on our Disclosure Log.
Kind regards
Jade Roche
Information Compliance Officer
King’s College London
James Clerk Maxwell Building
57 Waterloo Road
London SE1 8WA
Dear L. Maskell,
The department answering the request have asked could you clarify the last part of your request, whether they you worked at the institute at the time of application or at any point in their working life? Would this also include those who studied at the IoPPN ?
Kind regards
Jade Roche
Information Compliance Officer
King’s College London
James Clerk Maxwell Building
57 Waterloo Road
London SE1 8WA
Dear Roche, Jade,
Thank you for your email.
Please could the department provide details of the number of people who worked at the department at the time of their application and then separately, the number who worked at the IOPPN at any point in their working life. Please do not include those who studied at the IOPPN, only those who were employed there. Many thanks.
Yours sincerely,
L. Maskell
Dear L. Maskell,
Please find attached response to your information request.
Kind regards
Jade Roche
Information Compliance Officer
King’s College London
James Clerk Maxwell Building
57 Waterloo Road
London SE1 8WA
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