Dear Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Panel,
1) please can you send me a copy of the current subject access request
acknowledgment AND response letter that you use
2) a copy of the last 5 dpias completed
3) a copy of any internal mandatory information governance training that
you give to staff which was written in the last 2 years including
presentation slides and videos and any other media
4) a copy of any instructions given to staff members to reduce data
security breaches, for example double checking work
5) a copy of any policies implemented in the last 2 years within the
organisation to help reduce the environmental impact that the organisation
6) please can I have a copy of the risk rating that you use to evaluate data security incidents?
Yours faithfully,
tim wells
Dear Mr Wells,
Thank you for your information request dated the 3rd January and sent to the Chairman of the Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Panel.
The Panel's response to your requests is set out below following each individual request.
1) please can you send me a copy of the current subject access request acknowledgment AND response letter that you use
The Panel does not hold such information.
The Police and Crime Panel does not itself have any staff, premises, assets , files or electronic records. All administrative support is provided by Carmarthenshire County Council in accordance with an agreement between the Council and the Home Office. The role of the Panel is to scrutinise the work of the Police and Crime Panel. It does not itself have any control over the Police.
To date no Subject Access Requests have been received by the Panel and as such the letters you refer to do not exist.
2) a copy of the last 5 dpias completed
Please see above. As such the Panel has had no need to complete any DPIAs
3) a copy of any internal mandatory information governance training that you give to staff which was written in the last 2 years including presentation slides and videos and any other media
As the Panel has no staff, no such training has been given and no such documents exist.
4) a copy of any instructions given to staff members to reduce data security breaches, for example double checking work
As above, as the Panel has no staff, no such instructions exist
5) a copy of any policies implemented in the last 2 years within the organisation to help reduce the environmental impact that the organisation has?
As above, given the nature of the Panel and its role, no such policies exist
6) please can I have a copy of the risk rating that you use to evaluate data security incidents?
As above, given the nature of the Panel and its role, no such risk ratings exist.
If you remain unhappy with the handling of your request or complaint, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:
The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Yours sincerely
Robert Edgecombe
Legal Services Manager
Carmarthenshire County Council
Dear Mr Wells,
Further to my email below, may I correct an error in the response to your first question. As you no doubt realised, the role of the Panel is to scrutinise the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner, not the Police and Crime Panel.
Please accept my apologies for that error
Robert Edgecombe
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