This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Do people legally need a license to watch IPlayer?'.

Gary Cook 
Email to: 
29 July 2013 
Dear Mr Cook, 
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – RFI20130977 
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act (‘the Act’) of 6th July 2013, 
‘Do people legally need a license to watch IPlayer?’ 
In response to your request, please see the information provided at the following link:  
Appeal Rights 
If you are not satisfied that we have complied with the Act in responding to your request, you 
have the right to an internal review by a BBC senior manager or legal adviser. Please contact 
us at the address above, explaining what you would like us to review and including your 
reference number. If you are not satisfied with the internal review, you can appeal to the 
Information Commissioner. The contact details are: Information Commissioner's Office, 
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, telephone 01625 545 700 or see  
Yours sincerely, 
Kate Leece 
Head of Legal and Business Affairs 
Future Media & Technology