02/07/2020- PPE Board Meeting
Melinda Johnson
Procurement Operations
Summary 2 Orders approved
Draeger Safety UK- FFP3:
delivery costs, total value (incl delivery) £87,250,000
Globus (Shetland) Ltd FFP3:
H-Series- fold flat unvalved,
3030v valved), total value £93,709,500
Make deal- Draegar Safety UK-
This came to the board a few days ago- where the board asked if a clause on termination for
convenience (compensation cap of up to 10% of contract value- this clause was also agreed with
Medicare)could be added-
Termination for convenience clause agreed to Strong buy because
• Supplier financial position is green
• The supplier is big enough for this large order
• Payment on receiving lowers financial risk
- How does the termination clause deal with profit? Will we be paying profit or just
A (
will take this away and get back to the board
• Melinda Johnson- potentially must consider how much profit would be made had they fulfilled the
entire contract- and pay a proportion of the contract
they didn’t reveal profit margin- seems like a moderate cap.
- comfortable it will also go to the Treasury for approvals
• Melinda Johnson
Make Deal- Globus (Shetland) Ltd-
The supplier provides a lot of NHS Scotland's masks- so well established, one of the few UK mask
They have been helpful supportive and informative re technical specifications for masks.
Cupped valvled FFP3 masks are important because it is able to fit more people's faces in the fit-test
(fills a niche). This is one of the few suppliers who are still willing to make cupped masks. Potentially will
be greater difficulty with importing from China due to political difficulties with Hong Kong.
They have
rejected willingness to enter an agreement of termination for convenience
Questions Melinda Johnson- do we need this?
- in terms of building inventory-
• All make deals tend to start in October 2020- these will build stable and reliable deliveries for
autumn onwards (where most of the buy deals end)
• If we have a winter spike- we have onshore deals ready
• The volumes are higher than pre-Covid-demand, but they last for 3 years, and can build inventory
• Elective surgery hasn’t ramped up yet- so current demand may stay stable due to these surgeries
ramping up
Melinda Johnson- although termination deal would have been preferable, it is still good to work ahead
- no payment upfront, so this risk is mitigated, it has to go through Treasury anyway-
content for it to go to treasury
agree with
slightly more expensive than Draeger
the Cupped version is more expensive- but it fits more people in the fit-test- so fits a niche.
A competition could not be run because the UK needs them urgently and it may be difficult to get some
of the existing orders from China. Argument is that you can run an accelerated competition- but you
need suppliers to be willing to compete- this costs money.
On balance- in agreement that it can go ahead.
Friday- PPE board will start at 1330
wants to present a China Deal- the highlights are
- Less than
ffp3 masks
- Include an option for DH let the production run to
masks- asking for approval for
the option to extend to