This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'DO-17 Request minutes of PPE Decision Making Committee'.

DHSC Case Ref: FOI-1497474 / ICO Case Ref - IC-320785-N2T4
03 October 2024 15:53:00
Dear Mr Osborn,
I am writing following my email to you of 20 September.  Several documents relevant to
your request were found and due to the number of items within the scope of your request,
Departmental officials consider that the most efficient way to share them is by using the
Egress website: Egress Secure File Sharing & Collaboration | Products.
In order to enable this we would be grateful if you could provide the Department with a
personal email address where you can receive the access details. You can do this by
writing to
Please quote the reference : ICO-1522236.  The ICO will be sent a copy of this email.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely, 
Alan Addison
Alan Addison
Team Leader - FOI
Ministerial Correspondence and Public Enquiries
Department of Health and Social Care, 
39 Victoria Street, London  SW1H 0EU