Diversity statistics for 2016-2018 [Undergraduate law]
To whom it may concern,
The following request refers to students who enrolled in a law-related (i.e. Group M) course at the university in the following three years: 2016, 2017, 2018.
By ‘law-related course’, I refer to both single honours law and any law with a language, law with a year abroad, or joint honours law programmes which admitted students during this period.
My request:
Please provide the following information about the relevant students’ background for each of the three years (2016, 2017, 2018):
a. The % of students who are Black or Minority Ethnic (‘BME’);
b. The % of UK-domiciled students who have come from a postcode that falls within POLAR4 young participation quintiles 1 or 2;
c. The % of all students (UK and EU and non-EU) who attended a private/fee-paying school;
d. The 10 most commonly-occurring secondary schools among all students who enrolled, whether these schools are located in the UK or abroad. Please provide this as a list in descending order of enrolment.
Yours sincerely,
Jasonara Stathamara
Please note I am out of the office on annual leave until Monday 19 August.
I will respond to your message as soon as possible on my return.
Dear Mr Stathamara,
I acknowledge your request for information received on 6 August 2019.
Your request is being considered and if the information is held you will
receive the information requested within the statutory timescale of 20
working days as defined by the Freedom of Information Act 2000, subject to
the information not being exempt.
I may contact you if the request needs to be clarified; this is to ensure
that we provide you with the information you require.
Please note that some information you have requested may not be provided
to you; this will only be information that can be withheld by law. In
most cases the reasons will be explained to you along with your copy of
any information that can be released to you.
If for any reason we are unable to provide you with a full response within
the statutory timescale, we will contact you explaining the reasons for
this and giving a revised date by which we will reply.
Please note that the information you supplied with your request will be
retained on file by the University for the purposes of processing your
request and statistical analysis and audit. Your personal information will
only be accessed by authorised University staff and will be held in
accordance with the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.
Best wishes,
John Gilchrist
Data Protection Officer
Middlesex University
The Burroughs
London NW4 4BT
T: +44(0) 208 411 4061
E: [1][email address]
W: [2]mdx.ac.uk
For further information as to how we process personal data:
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.mdx.ac.uk/
4. http://www.mdx.ac.uk/about-us/policies/p...
Dear Mr Stathamara,
Please see attached the response to your FOI request made on 6 August
Best wishes,
John Gilchrist
Data Protection Officer
Middlesex University
The Burroughs
London NW4 4BT
T: +44(0) 208 411 4061
E: [1][email address]
W: [2]mdx.ac.uk
For further information as to how we process personal data:
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.mdx.ac.uk/
4. http://www.mdx.ac.uk/about-us/policies/p...
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