Diversity breakdown
Dear ScotRail Trains Limited,
If possible I would like information supplied for the last 3 years. If you are unable or unwilling to due to Scotrail being taken over by the Scottish Government in April. I want the information since the take over in April 22
I request the breakdown of sex, age and ethnic background associated with any new employees.
Also categorised into the job rolls e.g,
Drivers 6 male 3 female
20 - 25 zero
26 - 30 3
31 - 35 4
36 - 40 1
41 - 45 zero
46 - 50 zero
51 - 55 1
56 - 60 zero
Over 61 zero
Aslo if you hold the information how many declared any family connection to serving Scotrail employees.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Taylor
Dear Mark Taylor
Please find attached letter of acknowledgement for your FOI request.
Kind Regards
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