Diversity and Inclusion Training
Dear Hywel Dda University Health Board,
For the last three financial years, how much has the Health Board spent on all types of diversity and inclusion training to its employees?
Yours faithfully,
Tyler Jenkins
Cais am Wybodaeth o dan Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000
Diolch i chi am eich dau gais diweddar am gyflenwad gwybodaeth gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda. Mae eich ceisiadau wedi'u cydgrynhoi; felly, bydd un ymateb yn cael ei ddarparu ar gyfer eich dau gais.
O dan y Ddeddf, mae'n ofynnol i'r Bwrdd Iechyd gyflenwi'r wybodaeth i chi cyn pen 20 diwrnod gwaith, felly'r dyddia dhwyrach y gallwch chi ddisgwyl derbyn ymateb yw 23 Ionawr 2024.
Yn yr achos annhebygol na allwn ymateb o fewn y terfyn amser hwn, byddwn yn cyfathrebu â chi ymhellach.
Atodwch ddolen ar ein tudalen sy'n darparu arweiniad ar ein gweithdrefn ar gyfer rheoli ceisiadau am wybodaeth a gwmpesir o dan y Ddeddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000.
Rhyddid gwybodaeth - Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda (gig.cymru)
Information requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your two recent requests for the supply of information from Hywel Dda University Health Board. Your requests have been aggregated; therefore, one response will be provided for both of your requests.
Under the Act, the Health Board is required to supply the information to you within 20 working days, therefore the latest date by which you can expect to receive a response is 23 January 2024.
In the unlikely event that we cannot respond within this time limit, we will communicate with you further.
Please find attached a link to our webpage which provides guidance on our procedure for managing requests for information that is covered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Freedom of information - Hywel Dda University Health Board (nhs.wales)
Hannah Gostling
Corporate Information Officer
Hywel Dda University Health Board/Bwrdd lechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda
Corporate Offices
Ystwyth Building/Adeilad Ystwyth
Hafan Derwen
St David’s Park/Parc Dewi Sant
Job’s Well Road/Fynnon Job
Carmarthenshire/Sir Gaerfyrddin
SA31 3BB
Annwyl/Dear Tyler
Amgaeaf ein hymateb i'ch cais am Rhyddid Gwybodaeth.
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
Hannah Gostling
Corporate Information Officer
Hywel Dda University Health Board/Bwrdd lechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda
Corporate Offices
Ystwyth Building/Adeilad Ystwyth
Hafan Derwen
St David’s Park/Parc Dewi Sant
Job’s Well Road/Fynnon Job
Carmarthenshire/Sir Gaerfyrddin
SA31 3BB
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