Disposal of Land next to Hadleigh Parkside Pre-School - Plan Request

Natalie Muir made this Freedom of Information request to Babergh District Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Dear Babergh District Council,

Proposed Disposal Of Open Space to facilitate the extension of the Hadleigh Parkside Pre-School
Local Government Act 1972 Section 123
Land next to Hadleigh Parkside Pre-School, Pykenham Way, Hadleigh

With regards to the above notice, as advertised in the East Anglian Times of 3rd November 2023, I would be grateful if you could provide me with a copy of the plan which shows the area of land affected.

I emailed the Council on 10th November 2023 regarding this matter but have received no response.

Many thanks for your assistance in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Natalie Muir

Babergh District Council and Mid Suffolk District Council,

1 Attachment

Reference: FOI-566058154
Date of request: 30/11/2023
Title of request: Disposal of Land next to Hadleigh Parkside Pre-School -
Plan Request

Dear Natalie Muir,

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Babergh District Council and Mid Suffolk District Council
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Natalie Muir left an annotation ()

Response to FOI was sent to personal email address rather than via WTDK.

Babergh District Council and Mid Suffolk District Council,

Reference: FOI-566058154
Date of request: 01/12/2023
Title of request: Disposal of Land next to Hadleigh Parkside Pre-School -
Plan Request
Information request:

Dear Babergh District Council,


Proposed Disposal Of Open Space to facilitate the extension of the
Hadleigh Parkside Pre-School Local Government Act 1972 Section 123 Land
next to Hadleigh Parkside Pre-School, Pykenham Way, Hadleigh


With regards to the above notice, as advertised in the East Anglian Times
of 3rd November 2023, I would be grateful if you could provide me with a
copy of the plan which shows the area of land affected.


I emailed the Council on 10th November 2023 regarding this matter but have
received no response.


Many thanks for your assistance in this matter.


Yours faithfully,


Natalie Muir


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