Dispersal powers under Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014

The request was refused by Suffolk Constabulary.

Dear Suffolk Constabulary,

Please can you provide me with the following information of the use of dispersal powers under Part 3 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014:

1. The number of instances that an authorisation under section 34 was made from January 2016 to date?

2. How many of these recorded authorisations noted particular regard to the rights of freedom of expression and freedom of assembly set out in articles 10 and 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights?

3. The location of any particular "hotspots" identified by the gathering and collation of this data?

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Blowe

Freedom Of Information (Suffolk), Suffolk Constabulary

Many thanks for your email, which has been received by the Freedom of Information Team.

This email account is not manned 24/7 and as such, your email will be responded to as soon as a member of the team is available.

Please note that our office hours are as follows:
Monday - Thursday 8.30am - 5pm
Friday - 8.30am - 4.30pm


For non-emergency calls to Suffolk Constabulary please use the 101 telephone number.
In the case of an emergency, please dial 999.

Kind Regards,

The Freedom of Information Team
Information Management Department
Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies
Police Headquarters
Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, Suffolk
[Suffolk Constabulary request email]

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Freedom Of Information (Suffolk), Suffolk Constabulary

1 Attachment

Good Afternoon Mr Blowe,


Please refer to the attached acknowledgement in relation to your resent
FOI request.


Many Thanks,





Elaine Felton

Senior FOI Assistant


Information Management Department

Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies

Police Headquarters

Portal Avenue, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich

Suffolk, IP5 3QS

01473 613888 Ext 3919






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Visible links
1. http://www.suffolk.police.uk/
2. http://www.norfolk.police.uk/
3. http://www.suffolk.police.uk/emaildiscla...

Freedom Of Information (Suffolk), Suffolk Constabulary

2 Attachments

5 July 2016


Dear Mr Blowe,


Thank you for your request for information dated 17 June 2016 concerning
instances that an authorisation under section 34 was made from January
2016 to date.


This is to inform you that all information relating to your request has
been collated my response is attached.  This request is now complete and
shall be closed immediately.


Should any further information be requested regarding this topic, a
separate request will need to be submitted.


Should you need to discuss this further please contact Clair Pack, on
01473 613888 Ext 3919.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in
Suffolk Constabulary.


Yours sincerely,






Clair Pack

FOI Decision Maker


Information Management Department

Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies

Police Headquarters

Portal Avenue, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich

Suffolk, IP5 3QS

01473 613888 Ext 3919





This e-mail carries a disclaimer

Go here to view [3]Suffolk Constabulary Disclaimer


Visible links
1. http://www.suffolk.police.uk/
2. http://www.norfolk.police.uk/
3. http://www.suffolk.police.uk/emaildiscla...

Dear Suffolk Constabulary,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Suffolk Constabulary's handling of my FOI request 'Dispersal powers under Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014'.

The Home Office's "Reform of anti-social behaviour powers - Statutory guidance for frontline professionals", published in July 2014, says:

"Police forces may wish to publish data on the use of the dispersal power to be transparent about their use of it. Police and Crime Commissioners will have an important role in holding forces to account to ensure that officers are using the power proportionately. Publication of data locally will help highlight any 'hotspot' areas that may need a longer-term solution, such as diversionary activities for young people or security measures in pubs and clubs to prevent alcohol-related anti-social behaviour in town centres."

If it is the case, as the rejection of my request indicates, that Suffolk Constabulary does not record, in a central location, the details of authorisations under Section 34 , then it is impossible for Suffolk’s PCC Tim Passmore - or indeed, members of the public - to provide the kind of scrutiny necessary to ensure these powers are used proportionately and to comment on the kind of 'hotspots' the statutory guidance mentions.

There is thus a wider public interest in collating and disclosing this information, beyond the narrow issue of cost for a individual Freedom of Information request. I urge you to therefore reconsider.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/d...

The Home Office statutory guidance is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/sy...

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Blowe

Freedom Of Information (Suffolk), Suffolk Constabulary

1 Attachment

Please find attached acknowledgment in relation to your recent request for an internal review

Kind regards

Clair Pack
FOI Decision Maker

Information Management Department
Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies
Police Headquarters
Portal Avenue, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich
Suffolk, IP5 3QS
01473 613888 Ext 3919

show quoted sections

Freedom Of Information (Suffolk), Suffolk Constabulary

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Blowe,

Please find attached response in relation to your recent request for an Internal Review of FOI request 002356/16

Kind regards

Clair Pack
FOI Decision Maker

Information Management Department
Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies
Police Headquarters
Portal Avenue, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich
Suffolk, IP5 3QS
01473 613888 Ext 3919

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