Dispersal Powers Protocols
Dear Cambridge City Council,
I am writing to request the release of protocols agreed between Cambridge City Council and Cambridgeshire police governing the use of dispersal powers under Section 30 of the Antisocial Behavior Act 2003. I would like a copy of the protocol which applies to the current order which came into effect on the 3rd of January 2010 as well as the protocol which applied to the order which came into effect on the 3rd of January 2007.
I would suggest these protocols ought accompany the information on the orders which the council has committed to make available on its website. If the council has already posted information on the dispersal zone orders on its website (other than in committee papers) I would like to request a link to those pages.
Many thanks,
Richard Taylor
** High Priority **
Dear Mr Taylor
Thank you for your request under Freedom of Information.
Your request has been passed to Alastair Roberts, Safer Communities Manager, to consider and in accordance with the Act, he will respond to you within 20 working days, by 22 February 2010.
Kind regards
FOI Co-Ordinator
Community Services
Richard Taylor left an annotation ()
I have written an article citing this request:
Richard Taylor
Dear Mr Taylor,
Please find attached our response to your request for information under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This request is in relation to
Protocols over the use of Dispersal Powers in the City.
I trust that this response provides you with the information you were
seeking. However, if you are not happy over the way in which your
request has been dealt with please contact Alan Carter, Head of
Strategic Housing at Cambridge City Council. If you are still not happy
with the way your request has been dealt with you may also contact the
Information Commissioner . The Information Commissioner’s address
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Yours sincerely
Alastair Roberts.
Alastair Roberts,
Safer Communities Manager,
Cambridge City Council,
Hobson House,
44, St. Andrew's Street,
Cambridge. CB2 3AS
Tel: 01223 457836
FAX: 01223 457659
Richard Taylor left an annotation ()
The response indicates there is no formal protocol in place limiting the police use of the dispersal zone powers.
I have commented on this on my website at:
Richard Taylor
Richard Taylor left an annotation ()
Following the revelation in this FOI response that no written protocol for limiting the police use of dispersal zone powers exists I wrote to my local councillor who replied:
"I have discussed this with the leader of the council and he agrees that it would be better for the protocol to be a written document ... He undertakes to progress this for future years, if we continue with the order."
The full letter is available on my website at:
Richard Taylor
Francis Irving left an annotation ()
Another blog post by Richard that mentions this request:
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Richard Taylor left an annotation ()
At the West Central Area Committee on the 4th of February I took the opportunity to mention this FOI request to the council leader who was sitting next to me. I complained that the council hadn't responded very promptly and that I was still waiting for the documents. He said he was aware of my request and confirmed a response was being prepared.
Richard Taylor