"Disgraced sex pest police officer [Chief Inspector Paul Crouch] hired by London council after 'dishonest' reference" The Standard

J Roberts made this Freedom of Information request to British Transport Police Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

British Transport Police did not have the information requested.

Dear British Transport Police,

According to The Standard, former Detective Inspector Dean Percival was sacked for giving a job reference to former Chief Inspector Paul Crouch without permission:


The article states that Chief Inspector Crouch was sacked in 2022 and that he 'also sexually harassed a female colleague for a decade'.

I searched the College of Policing's Barred List for 'Paul Crouch' but found nothing.

1. Can you confirm that you passed his name to the College of Policing to be added to the Barred List following his dismissal?

2. Please provide a copy of Chief Inspector Crouch's misconduct hearing outcome notice.

Yours faithfully,

J Roberts


3 Attachments


Good afternoon,


Please see attachment.


Kind regards


Kayleigh Smith


Data Protection and FOI Officer

Information Management Unit/Uned Rheoli Gwybodaeth

DCC Portfolio/Portffolio Dirprwy Brif Gwnstabl


British Transport Police, 3 Callaghan Square, Cardiff, CF10 5BT

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