Discretionary Ward grants & Common Good grants in 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15
Dear Highland Council,
I understand each of the 22 council wards receives a discretionary budget and it is for each ward to consider when they wish to commit funds; that Common Good Funds can be used to provide financial support for a wide range of local community activities; and that a Chief Executive's Discretionary Fund exists.
I would be grateful if you could supply details of all grants applications made to and/or awarded by the following funds:
i) each Ward's discretionary fund;
ii) Common Good funds in Cromarty, Dingwall, Dornoch, Fortrose and Rosemarkie, Grantown, Invergordon, Inverness, Kingussie, Nairn and Tain; and
iii) the Chief Execcutive's discretionary fund
to cover the last 3 financial years (2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15).
I am specifically looking for the following information:
- date application received
- name of applicant/organisation
- purpose of grant (outline only)
- amount of funding requested
- date and outcome of decision (including reason if declined and amount of grant if approved)
Many thanks for your assistance.
Yours faithfully,
A Russell
FOI Request 1177965
Dear Mr Russell,
We acknowledge receipt of your request for information under the Freedom
of Information Act / Environmental Information Regulations received on
The Highland Council will endeavour to respond within the legislative time
scale of 20 working days from date of receipt unless further clarification
of your request is required.
Further information on response times can be found at:
Yours Sincerely,
The Highland Council
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related to the business of The Highland Council, the views or opinions
expressed within this e-mail are those of the sender and do not
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nor does this e-mail form part of any contract unless so stated.
Mura h-eil na beachdan a tha air an cur an cèill sa phost-d seo a'
buntainn ri gnothachas Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd, 's ann leis an neach
fhèin a chuir air falbh e a tha iad, is chan eil iad an-còmhnaidh a'
riochdachadh beachdan na Comhairle, no buidhnean buntainneach, agus chan
eil am post-d seo na phàirt de chunnradh sam bith mura h-eil sin air
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Èisteachd * Fosgailte * Luach * Leasachadh * Taic * Com-pàirteachas *
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Dear Highland Council,
I am still awaiting a response to my FOI request re "Discretionary Ward grants & Common Good grants in 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15".
By law, I should have received a response by 17 July 2015. Please can you let me know when I am likely to receive the requested information?
Many thanks for your cooperation.
Yours faithfully,
A H Russell
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Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2015 16:53:28 +0100
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Dear Mr Russell,
Request for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act
With regard to your request for information “Discretionary Ward grants &
Common Good grants in 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15”. We have referenced
your response as 1177965.
Request - details of all grants applications made to and/or awarded by
the following funds: i) each Ward's discretionary fund; ii) Common Good
funds in Cromarty, Dingwall, Dornoch, Fortrose and Rosemarkie, Grantown,
Invergordon, Inverness, Kingussie, Nairn and Tain; and iii) the Chief
Execcutive's discretionary fund to cover the last 3 financial years
(2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15). I am specifically looking for the
following information: - date application received - name of
applicant/organisation - purpose of grant (outline only) - amount of
funding requested - date and outcome of decision (including reason if
declined and amount of grant if approved)
Details of ward discretionary grant applications are published on our
website -
This does not include Common Good grants or those applications that where
rejected, these are attached. I have also attached ward discretionary
grant applications.
Under Section 20 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, you
have the right to request that the Highland Council reviews any aspect of
how it has dealt with your request. This requirement for review should be
put in writing to the Freedom of Information Officer, Chief Executive’s
Office, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX, within 40 working days of
receipt of this letter. The request should include details of the
information requested and the aspects of the Highland Council’s response
which you are not satisfied with.
If you are subsequently dissatisfied with the outcome of the Council's
review, you have the right to appeal to the Scottish Information
Commissioner under Section 47 of the Act (Regulation 17 of the EIRS),
within six months of receiving the Council's review response.
Further guidance on information request reviews and right to appeal can be
found on the Scottish Information Commissioner website at
Yours sincerely,
Leanne Gair
Freedom of Information and Data Protection Officer
Unless related to the business of The Highland Council, the views or
opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the sender and do not
necessarily reflect those of The Highland Council, or associated bodies,
nor does this e-mail form part of any contract unless so stated.
Mura h-eil na beachdan a tha air an cur an cèill sa phost-d seo a'
buntainn ri gnothachas Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd, 's ann leis an neach
fhèin a chuir air falbh e a tha iad, is chan eil iad an-còmhnaidh a'
riochdachadh beachdan na Comhairle, no buidhnean buntainneach, agus chan
eil am post-d seo na phàirt de chunnradh sam bith mura h-eil sin air
Listening * Open * Valuing * Improving * Supporting * Partnering * Delivering
Èisteachd * Fosgailte * Luach * Leasachadh * Taic * Com-pàirteachas *
Visible links
1. http://www.highland.gov.uk/downloads/dow...
2. http://www.itspublicknowledge.info/
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Doug Paulley left an annotation ()
The email address the Council used in its response includes "noreply@". You may wish to re-send your follow-up by selecting "write a reply" and choosing "the main FOI contact address for Highland Council".
Doug - volunteer, WhatDoTheyKnow