Discretionary Housing Payments

The request was partially successful.

Dear Northern Ireland Housing Executive,

Please detail the number and level (i.e. amount per week) of Discretionary Housing Payments made to households in Northern Ireland for the periods 1/4/12-30/06/12 and 1/4/13-30/06/2013.

If possible, please provide details of claimant's household (e.g. whether claimant is single or household and number of children in household).

If you record the reasons for award (e.g. could not move due to disability, lack of other affordable accommodation etc) please also provide a breakdown of these reasons.

Yours faithfully,

E Farrell

Duffy, Gerry, Northern Ireland Housing Executive

1 Attachment

Please see attached reply to your request from Dolores Ferran, Assistant




Gerry Duffy


Gerry Duffy


Business & Programme Management

Tel: 028 90318252

email: [1][email address]


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