Disclosure of staff financial interests
Dear Bank of England,
Please could you provide me with the number of a) Bank of England staff; b) Prudential Regulation Authority staff who have disclosed financial relationships with each of the insurance companies (or their parent companies) listed below in your ‘Our Code Compliance System’? (or similar disclosure system).
The relevant insurers are:
- Admiral Group
- Ageas
- Allianz SE
- Aviva
- Axa UK
- Canada Life Group
- Just Group
- Legal & General
- Lloyds Banking Group
- MetLife Group
- Pension Insurance Corporation
- Phoenix Group
- Rothesay Life
- RSA Insurance Group
- Zurich Insurance Group
I am making this request under the Freedom of Information Act. For the avoidance of doubt, I am not requesting any identifying information about the individuals who have made these disclosures.
Please advise me if I should break this request down into separate requests by insurance/employer to avoid triggering any time/cost limits in replying to this request.
Yours faithfully,
R Williams
Dear R Williams
We acknowledge receipt of your email dated 21 January below (our ref: CAS-16820-J9S3T7).
We will reply in due course.
Information Access Team, Communications Directorate
Bank of England | Threadneedle Street | London EC2R 8AH | +44 20 3461 4878
Dear R Williams
Please find attached response to your email dated 21 January below.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team, Communications Directorate
Bank of England | Threadneedle Street | London EC2R 8AH
+44 20 3461 4878
Dear Enquiries,
Thank you for providing the requested information. Your response was very much appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
R Williams
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