Disclosure of Information & Statistics

The request was refused by Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner.

Dear Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner,

I would like to know the following:

1. Within the civil family court, is it a criminal offence for any professional to:-
a) Tamper with records in an attempt to influence the outcome of a family court case (private or public law)
b) Falsify, tamper, misled or alter medical or NHS documents in an attempt to influence the outcome of a family court case (private or family law)
c) Falsify, tamper, misled or alter other professionals documents in an attempt to influence the outcome of a family court case (private or family law)
d) Falsify, tamper, misled or alter, or conceal concerns of child abuse in an attempt to influence the outcome of a family court case (private or family law)
e) To intimidate professionals not to whistle blow in an attempt to influence the outcome of a family court case (private or family law)
f) To intimidate parents (I.e. stop them from reporting dishonesty to the local authority, ombudsman, police, or their MP, media)
g) To entrap parents (i.e. social workers tell a parent to do something, then use it against them)
h) To knowingly place a child at significant risk of harm, for example, place a child with a known paedophile (and conceal historic evidence/allegations from courts)
i) For professional(s) to knowingly conceal or cover for the dishonest actions of other professionals.
j) For a judge to knowingly ignore evidence that a professional has acted dishonestly.

For the purpose of this request please assume that the records or statements (verbal and/or written) will or may be used by professionals within the family courts.

2. If the above is a criminal offence, which offence has been committed?

3. If the above is not a criminal offence, what can parents do to seek justice?

4. How many parents have reported dishonest professionals within the local authority of Watford, to the police that have acted in a similar manner to what we have listed in Q1 (please go back 3 years)

5. How many investigations have been launched against Watford local authority, CAFCASS and any persons acting in a professional capacity within the family courts (please go back 3 years)

6. Out of these investigations how many have led to prosecutions. (please go back 3 years and list successful/unsuccessful prosecutions)

Yours faithfully,

A. Marfo

Transparency & Executive Support Team,

Dear A Marfo,
I write to acknowledge receipt of your request below made under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 to the Police and Crime Commissioner for
In response, questions 1 - 3 in their entirety do not constitute a valid
Freedom of Information Request.  Requests must be for specific information
that the public authority may hold and not ask for comment or opinion on a
particular matter. The Commissioner's office is not able to provide any
form of legal advice or opinion on court processes or any other civil or
criminal matter and you will therefore need to seek your own legal advice
regarding the questions you ask.
Regarding questions 4, 5 and 6 I can confirm that the Police and Crime
Commissioner's office holds no information regarding proceedings within
Civil or Criminal Courts and holds no information relating to reports made
to Hertfordshire Constabulary by individuals. Any information that may
exist regarding reports made to the police would be held by Hertfordshire
Constabulary and you will need to redirect you enquiry to them which can
be done via [1][email address]
If you disagree with the decision in respect of your freedom of
information request or are otherwise unhappy with how the OPCC has dealt
with your request in the first instance you may request a review by Gavin
Miles, Deputy Chief Executive at the office address at the foot of this
response or by e mail at [2][email address]
Should you remain dissatisfied with the outcome you have a right of appeal
under S50 of the Freedom of Information Act to appeal against the decision
by contacting the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow SK9 5AF
Kind Regards
Howard Crowe |Transparency and Executive Support Administrator |Police and
Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire|Harpenden Police Station|15 Vaughan
Road|Harpenden|AL5 4GZ|Tel: 01707 806148 | Email:
[email address] |Please visit our website at:
[3]www.hertscommissioner.org |Follow us on Twitter at:

show quoted sections

Dear Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner's handling of my FOI request 'Disclosure of Information & Statistics?

My request is over due and await your response.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/d...

Yours faithfully,


R Commissioner,

1 Attachment

Dear A Marfo


Thank you for your email.  Your request has been forwarded to Gavin Miles
for review and a reply will be sent out in the next 10 days.


Kind Regards




Samantha Hale |Transparency & Executive Support Manager|Police and Crime
Commissioner for Hertfordshire|

15 Vaughan Road|Harpenden|Hertfordshire|AL5 4GZ|Tel: 01707 806 181|

Email: [1][email address] |

Please visit our website at: [2]www.hertscommissioner.org |

Follow us on Twitter at: [3]www.twitter.com/HertsPCC





show quoted sections

MILES, Gavin 7955,

1 Attachment

Good afternoon,


Before dealing with your review, could I clarify please:

Why you claim this is overdue? The response was sent to you many months
ago, and you have only requested a review on 7 February. If I can know why
you think something is overdue, I can respond to it.

Secondly, what is the nature of the review you wish? Is it to the
notification that the first 3 elements of your request were not valid FOI
requests? Is it also to the notification that the PCC holds no information
with regard to the remainder of your request? If so, if you could indicate
why you think the PCC may have such information I might be able to assist
more helpfully.


Gavin Miles

Deputy Chief Executive

[1]Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire

Harpenden Police Station | 15 Vaughan Road | Hertfordshire | AL5 4GZ

Tel: 01707 806162|[mobile number] |Email:
[2][email address]

Follow us on [3]Twitter or [4]Facebook and download the [5]official app


Hertfordshire is a safe place to live and work but should you ever become
a victim of crime then the Beacon team is available to help you.






Dear Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner,


Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information


I am writing to request an internal review of Hertfordshire Police and
Crime Commissioner's handling of my FOI request 'Disclosure of Information
& Statistics?


My request is over due and await your response.


A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on
the Internet at this address:


Yours faithfully,







Visible links
1. http://www.hertscommissioner.org/
2. mailto:[email address]
3. http://www.twitter.com/HertsPCC
4. https://www.facebook.com/hertspcc
5. https://www.herts.police.uk/hertfordshir...
6. http://www.hertfordshirebeacon.org/
8. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/d...

Dear MILES, Gavin 7955,

In relation to all the questions asked, it is a general enquiry; I want to know the Hertfordshire protocol, policies and procedures if this matter has been raised, is the information stored (for how long) or is it deleted after a period of time (how soon).

Yours sincerely,

A. Marfo

MILES, Gavin 7955,

Dear A Marfo,

I will provide a full reply when back in the office, but the PCC would just not hold the information you are asking. The PCC has no remit concerning civil family courts, does not receive or investigate complaints about local authorities or courts or conduct any prosecutions.

Yours sincerely,

Gavin Miles
Deputy Chief Executive
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire
Harpenden Police Station | 15 Vaughan Road | Hertfordshire | AL5 4GZ
Tel: 01707 806162|[mobile number] |Email: [email address]
Follow us on Twitter or Facebook and download the official app

Hertfordshire is a safe place to live and work but should you ever become a victim of crime then the Beacon team is available to help you. www.hertfordshirebeacon.org

show quoted sections

KITCHEN, Carolyn 8384, Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Marfo


Please find attached our response to your request for a review of your FOI
request relating to the disclosure of information and statistics. 








Carolyn Kitchen|Transparency and Executive Support Administrator |Police
and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire|Harpenden Police Station|15
Vaughan Road|Harpenden|AL5 4GZ|Tel: 01707 806157 | Email:
[1][email address] |Please visit our website at:
[2]www.hertscommissioner.org |Follow us on Twitter at:


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