Discharge Summary
Dear Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust,
Why cannot A&E send me by Royal Mail or email a copy of my discharge summary 16TH February 2022.
When I contacted A&E today the 19th February 2022 I was informed that they were not allowed to email or post a copy directly to me and suggested I contact my GP for a copy.
Can you therefore publish or provide a link to this rule which is clearly anti customer! And against the spirit of the NHS Constitution.
I was given an incomplete copy in A&E as I only have page 4 of 5.
Yours faithfully,
Geoff Lovell
Dear Geoff Lovell,
Thank you for your request for information which is now being handled
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Your request is receiving attention and we will provide a response within
20 working days, that is, by 21 March 2022.
Please contact me if you have any queries in the interim, quoting our
reference (FOI 6876) and I will be happy to help.
Kind regards,
Jeanette Randall
Freedom of information officer
Communications and marketing
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, RH1 5RH
[1][Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust request email]
Please note: I work remotely on Mondays and Fridays and Wednesday is my
non-working day
One Team l Compassion l Dignity and Respect l Safety and Quality
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Dear Geoff Lovell,
Please see attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards,
Jeanette Randall
Freedom of information officer
Communications and marketing
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, RH1 5RH
[1][Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust request email]
Please note: I work remotely on Mondays and Fridays and Wednesday is my
non-working day
One Team l Compassion l Dignity and Respect l Safety and Quality
Follow us on social media: [4]Twitter ¦ [5]Facebook ¦ [6]LinkedIn ¦
Click on the link below to send a message to Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust reminding them to reply to your request. You can also refer your request to the Information Commissioner once the statutory deadline has passed.
Yours sincerely,
Geoff Lovell
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