Disabled students and journalism
Dear Liverpool Community College,
Could you please share the following information:
1 - Over your past 5 year cohort, how many disabled students enrolled on both your Fast Track and One Year Diploma in Journalism?
2 - Of that number, how many disabled students graduated with accreditation from either the NCTJ, the BTJC or the PPA?
3 - How many students, if any, had to withdraw from the programme over the past 5 years?
4 - Of that cohort, how many needed reasonable adjustments in order to complete their course?
Yours faithfully,
April Ryan
Dear April,
Please accept our apologies for the delay in returning this information.
The shifting requirements in responding to the COVID-19 situation has
placed very heavy demands on the teams who hold this. Our response to your
questions are as follows:
1 - Over your past 5 year cohort, how many disabled students enrolled on
both your Fast Track and One Year Diploma in Journalism?
In the last 5 years 24 students who declared a learning difficulty or
disability enrolled on the courses mentioned.
2 - Of that number, how many disabled students graduated with
accreditation from either the NCTJ, the BTJC or the PPA?
From the 24 students above, 8 achieved the NTCJ Award
3 - How many students, if any, had to withdraw from the programme over the
past 5 years?
From the 24 students above, 5 withdrew from the programme
4 - Of that cohort, how many needed reasonable adjustments in order to
complete their course?
Answer Required
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the
right to ask for an internal review.
Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the
date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be sent
The Data Protection Officer – Bill Harrop
Arts Centre- City of Liverpool College
Myrtle Street
L7 7JA
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Your Sincerely
Megan Ainsworth
Megan Ainsworth 0151 252 4397
HR Adviser 07903 889 043
[1][email address]
The City of Liverpool College Group | Address: Learning Exchange,
Liverpool, L1 9DW | Website: [2]www.shared-ed.ac.uk
From: April Ryan <[3][FOI #708543 email]>
Sent: 24 November 2020 15:02
To: Employer Skills and Services <[4][email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Disabled students and journalism
Dear Liverpool Community College,
Could you please share the following information:
1 - Over your past 5 year cohort, how many disabled students enrolled on
both your Fast Track and One Year Diploma in Journalism?
2 - Of that number, how many disabled students graduated with
accreditation from either the NCTJ, the BTJC or the PPA?
3 - How many students, if any, had to withdraw from the programme over the
past 5 years?
4 - Of that cohort, how many needed reasonable adjustments in order to
complete their course?
Yours faithfully,
April Ryan
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