This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Disability benefit statistics 2011 to 2023'.

DWP Central Freedom of 
Information Team
Caxton House
6-12 Tothill Street
David Jameson 
DWP Website
Our Ref: FOI2023/53992
02 August 2023
Dear David Jameson,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FoI) request received on 12 July. You wrote:
“How much money has the government spent between 2011 to 2023 on:
PIP Mandatory Reconsideration
ESA Mandatory Reconsideration
LCWRA / LCW Mandatory Reconsideration
ESA Mandatory Reconsideration
DLA Mandatory Reconsideration
PIP Appeals
ESA Appeals
LCWRA / LCW appeals
ESA appeals
DLA appeals
For all of those benefits what percent are overturned in the claimants favour and what 
percent of cases has the DWP settled before going to tribunal
If you don’t have certain years for certain benefits or are missing data for whatever 
reason give the years you have for when those benefits started and a total figure”
DWP Response
We confirm that we do hold some of the information you have requested.
Details of Mandatory Reconsideration and Appeals costs by benefit are shown below.
We cannot split out Limited Capability for Work Related Activity (LCWRA) and Limited 
Capability for Work (LCW) costs specifically, so have provided total costs for Universal 

2012-13  2013-14  2014-15  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18 
Mandatory Reconsiderations
2018-19  2019-20  2020-21. 2021-22. 2022-23.
Mandatory Reconsiderations
2012-13  2013-14  2014-15  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18 
Mandatory Reconsiderations
2018-19  2019-20  2020-21. 2021-22. 2022-23.
Mandatory Reconsiderations
2012-13  2013-14  2014-15  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18 
Mandatory Reconsiderations
2018-19  2019-20  2020-21. 2021-22. 2022-23.
Mandatory Reconsiderations
2012-13  2013-14  2014-15  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18 
Mandatory Reconsiderations
2018-19  2019-20  2020-21. 2021-22. 2022-23.
Mandatory Reconsiderations
Cost figures are rounded to the nearest £0.1m
Data Source: ABM
The Department reports cost information broken down into financial years, so the information 
covers the period April 2012 to March 2023. Information for 2011 has not been provided as 
this predates the introduction of the Mandatory Reconsideration process.
The cost figures quoted are estimated DWP level 1 operating costs, including both direct 
delivery staff and non-staff costs. Non-staff costs are only those costs incurred in local cost 
centres, relating to direct delivery staff.
Please note that the data supplied is from the Departmental Activity Based Models (ABM). 
This data is derived from unpublished management information, which was collected for 
internal Departmental use only, and has not been quality assured to National Statistics or 
Official Statistics publication standards. It should therefore be treated with caution. The 
2022/23 model is still in draft and these are not the final figures.

The Departmental Activity Based staffing models are a snapshot of how many people were 
identified as undertaking specified activities as assigned by line managers.
The data is frequently revised and changes to definitions / benefits / DWP structure effect 
comparisons over time. It should therefore be treated with caution and must be seen as an 
indication of cost, rather than the actual cost.
DLA figures for 2021/22 and 2022/23 excludes DLA Working Age cases as costs are too low 
to be split.
The Appeals figures provided are just DWP costs. The full cost of a tribunal cannot be 
ascertained as this would also need to include costs of HM Courts and Tribunal Service 
(HMCTS - part of Ministry of Justice). 
DWP captures data regarding Mandatory Reconsiderations overturned. However, we cannot 
split this into whether it was overturned in favour of the customer or the department.
As mentioned above Appeals are a joint process between DWP and HMCTS. DWP do not 
handle tribunals for appeals; the management information regarding appeal tribunals sits with 
HMCTS and we are provided information for internal viewing only. If this information was 
required, we would suggest that this element of your request be submitted to HMCTS.
Yours sincerely,
DWP Central Freedom of Information Team
Department for Work and Pensions
Your right to complain under the Freedom of Information Act
If you are not happy with this response you may request an internal review by e-mailing or by writing to: DWP Central FoI Team, Caxton 
House, 6-12 Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NA. 
Any request for an internal review must be received by us within 40 working days of the date 
of this letter. Please note we are not obliged to provide a review if it is requested after more 
than 40 working days.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you may apply directly to the 
Information Commissioner’s Office for a decision. Generally, the Commissioner cannot make 
a decision unless you have exhausted our own complaints procedure. The Information 
Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, 
Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Website: ICO FOI and EIR complaints or telephone 0303 123 1113