Dirt and mould

Waiting for an internal review by Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council of their handling of this request.

Dear Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council,
I am oldham tenna nt
Article from granada reports , claims little boy died .of inhaling .dirt grime , mould and cold

I personally think parents , are to blame
For not alerting housing sooner,
Soap water , vinigar .move mould or dirt ,
Lemons , and sweeping up
Washing beding once week
Opening windows
Removing food after meals ,
Getting off their back sides , cleaning little
Saves childrens lives
Lazziness of parents wanting media attention

Yours faithfully,
T goodhew

FOI, Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council

Dear Toni Goodhew

The Council has determined that your email does not qualify as a Freedom of Information request as you have not asked the Council any questions.

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Dear sirs
Could i retract
Story of damp and mould ,and little boy who died ,
rochdalewide borough housing
The manager was sacked , for not doing his job
To complete satisfaction
I got it very very inacurate
My sincere apologies
I misread sittuation

Yours faithfully,
T goodhew

Toni goodhew